Mares D (2013) Climate change and crime: monthly temperature and precipitation anomalies and crime rates in St. Louis, MO 1990-2009. Crime Law Soc Change 59:185-208. doi:10.1007/s10611-013-9411-8Mares D. Climate change and crime: monthly temperature and precipitation anomalies and crime ...
rising mean Tmax. Analysis of temperature indices reveals significant positive trends, with the number of warm days (TX90p) increasing by 8%. In contrast, evaluations of maximum 1-day (RX1day) and 5-day (RX5day) precipitation exhibit widespread reductions of 22.5% and 45%, respectively, indic...
4α-PDD and ruthenium red were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO). Capsaicin, capsazepine, and 2APB were purchased from Tocris (Bristol, UK). Camphor was purchased from Wako (Osaka, Japan). Capsaicin is a specific agonist of TRPV1 and capsazepine is a specific antagonist of TRP...
A hydrophobic solvent, which consisted of mineral oil with 30 g L−1 tri-noctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), was continuously circulated through the lumen of the hydrophobic hollow-fiber membrane modules at a rate of 10 mL min−1. Undissociated MCCAs ...
one set of corals that had been acclimated to regular feeding in both temperatures was moved into the aquaria used for the autotrophic labelling pulse one day before the experiment. Thus, three different incubation modes were performed: autotrophic pulse with unfed corals (Aut [U]), autotrophic ...
tritici used strain EHA105 (GoldBio, St Louis, USA). Bacteria were grown in double-strength yeast extract/tryptone DYT medium (tryptone, 16 g l−1; yeast extract, 10 g l−1; NaCl, 5 g l−1; with 20 g l−1 agar in plates) at 37 and 28 °C, ...
this point, 8 fish per tank were sampled for plasma cortisol, 2 fish per tank had their spleens removed for subsequent microarray and QPCR analyses, and the remaining fish were given an IP injection of either polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid (pIC) (Sigma Co, St. Louis, MO) [2 ...
These specimens were dehydrated and embedded in Paraplast Plus®(Oxford Labware, St. Louis(MO)USA).The paraf,n block was sectioned at 8μm thickness,and the sections were stained with Mayer's acid-hemalaum and eosin.Oogenesis and spermatogen-esis were examined histologically as previously ...
When the temperature of the medium reached the destinated temperature, silica gel (Type II, 3.5 mm bead size) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) was put into the tray to eliminate the moisture outside the tubes and trays were immediately modified atmosphere packaged at the required gas...
The electrophoretic behaviour of donkey milk β-CN has been compared with that of a commercial bovine beta-casein (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The apparent higher molecular weight for both caseins (donkey and bovine) after the 15 % SDS-PAGE performed under reducing and denaturing ...