Temperature is one of the most important parameters in physics and the basic quantity of the SI system. This chapter provides knowledge of temperature in various points of a system that is needed in any cryogenic experiment. In low-temperature experiments, an accurate measurement of the temperature...
Insensitivity of the superconducting gap to variations in the critical temperature of Zn-substituted Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+δ) superconductors. The phase diagram of the superconducting high-T(c) cuprates is governed by two energy scales: T*, the temperature below which a gap is opened in the excita...
Temperature, measure of hotness or coldness expressed in terms of any of several arbitrary scales, such as Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.
The intervals on both Kelvin and Celsius scales are the same, such that a difference of 1 K is equivalent to a difference of 1 °C. You can convert temperature from Celcius scale (centigrade scale) to Kelvin scale and vice versa by using: ...
A new millikelvin temperature scale is presented that is based, in part, on the constraint that the normal-phase specific heat of liquid He be linear in temperature with a proportionality constant taken from higher temperature specific-heat measurements. The new scale differs considerably from all ...
Well-engineered devices capitalize the unique properties of SN interfaces, with precise control over thermal flow at microscopic scales. Furthermore, the exploration of heat transport in ultra-strong reservoir–resonator and resonator–qubit coupling regimes under the framework of quantum thermodynamics is...
of tt to denote absolute temperature (not only in the form 300掳 tt, but also in formul) why should not meteorologists adopt the now growing physical practice of writing `K' to denote the Kelvin absolute scale, just as `C' and `F' are used for the Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales?''...
n early 2010 I stumbled across some charts from some eighteenth- and nineteenth-century sources on the subject of thermometers and was intrigued with the vast number of temperature scales that proliferated in those days. Most seem pretty obscure now, but many at one time or another, such as ...
N scales directly with the magnitude of the temperature gradient and with the length of the crystal. Unusual dynamical asymetries are also predicted depending on the relative directions of heat and electrical current flow through the CDW crystal. 展开 ...
However, the presence of a glass transition at −11°C was in disagreement with the low storage stability at −18°C during practical time scales. It was proposed that freezing of cod could be associated with more than one glass transition, with a glass transition at a temperature lower ...