Applied superconductivity conference, Palm Desert, CA (United States), 13-18 Sep 1998P.E. Blumenfeld, et al., High temperature superconducting current lead test facility with heat pipe intercepts, Applied Superconductivity Conference, Palm Desert (1998)...
Aliases (In other languages): Afrikaans: BradburyAzərbaycanca: BradburyBahasa Indonesia: BradburyDansk: BradburyDeutsch: BradburyEesti: BradburyEnglish: BradburyEspañol: BradburyFilipino: BradburyFrançaise: BradburyHrvatski: BradburyItaliano: BradburyLatviešu: BradburyLietuvių: BradburyMagyar: Bradbury...
Louis H, Annappan RS (1980) Environmental effects on yield of coconut palm. Indian Coconut J 12:1–4 Google Scholar Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin CC, Baskin JM (2016) Effects of germination season on life history traits and on transgenerational plasticity in seed dormancy in a cold desert annu...
Amazon Basin is exponential with the most rapid decline close to the coast and a levelling off several thousand kilometres later, when the annual rainfall would be no better than that we can expect for a desert as dry as the Negev in Israel....
metropolitan areas, the population growth at Palm Springs in the last 100+ years has been rapid. Even in the last 50 years the population has nearly doubled. Natural desert surfaces have been replaced with pavement and rooftops, which reach higher temperatures than the original desert soil, and...
Most of the 38 samples used for quantitative analysis did not contain palm or other forest indicator morphotypes (Supplementary Tables1and2). The relative abundance of non-grass plants as a proxy for tree cover (FI-t) ranged from 0 to ~12% (Fig.3a). All 38 samples were dominated by gra...
In the dromedary camel, a well-adapted desert mammal, daily ambient temperature (Ta)-cycles have been shown to synchronize the central circadian clock. Such entrainment has been demonstrated by examining two circadian outputs, body temperature and melato
Inventors: Parker, Robert (Alamo, CA) Application Number: 08/769648 Publication Date: 10/20/1998 Filing Date: 12/19/1996 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Parker, Robert (Palm Desert, CA) Brass, Jack (Toronto, CA) ...
The authors present the design of the instrument, and some data to demonstrate its capabilities.EspyL. AtencioE.R. FlynnR.H. KrausA. MatlashovLos Alamos National LaboratoryApplied superconductivity conference, Palm Desert, CA (United States), 13-18 Sep 1998...
36. annual meeting of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management, Palm Desert, CA (United States), 9-12 Jul 1995Green C J.Low Temperature Pyrotechnic Smoke:A Potential Low Cost Alternative to Non-pyrotechnic Smoke for Access Delay Applications. DE95014848 . 1995...