ARTICLE nature communications | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1468 Alstphaonungihnghiaghq-uTacrtceurproaftea superconductors have a history century1,2, quantum oscillations in these materials have only been measured as recently as a few years ago3–12, by employing high magnetic fields to weaken ...
safety Article Research on the Effects of the High Temperature and Humidity Environment on Human Comfort in Coal Mine Emergency Refuge System Jing Li *, Lei Yang, Tianbao Song and Ruikang Qi School of Research and Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, 11 Xueyuan Road, ...
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metals Article Effect of Strain Range on the Low Cycle Fatigue in Alloy 617 at High Temperature Rando Tungga Dewa 1, Seon Jin Kim 1,*, Woo Gon Kim 2 and Eung Seon Kim 2 1 Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 48547, Korea; 2...