Every year, as the surface water temperature off the United States mid-Atlantic coast rises steadily from late spring through the summer, a pocket of uncharacteristically cool and crisp water gets trapped at the bottom of the ocean. Packed with nutrients this thick band of cold water, known as...
For the precipitation anomaly, the time trend is found to be insignificant in a large number of cases, and the degree of integration is smaller than for the temperature. In fact, short memory cannot be rejected in fourteen states, and the highest orders of differencing are obtained at Arizona...
Temperature Extremes and Health: Impacts of Climate Variability and Change in the United States. The article reports on a study of the health impacts of extreme temperatures in the United States due to climate variability and climate change. It aims to... O'Neill,S Marie,Ebi,... - 《Journa...
Here we use a high‐resolution spatial and temporal seamless gridded landsurface forcing data set to provide an assessment of recent spatiotemporal patterns in temperature extremes over the conterminous United States (CONUS). We asked the following: (1) How are temperature extremes changing across ...
It states that global temperature rise have grown slowly in the last ten years between 1999 to 2008 compared to that of in 1979 to 2005. It notes that El Nio-Southern Oscillation is a major contributor of interannual global mean temperature variations. It concludes that the trend for local ...
Transitions between genetic sex determination (GSD) and temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD).The way the sex-determining (SD) modes are presented does not indicate ancestral states. GSD + TE, genetic sex determination plus temperature effects. The data presented are a compilation from ...
We investigate the contribution of anthropogenic forcing to the extreme temperature and precipitation events in Central Asia (CA) during the last 60 years. We bias-adjust and downscale two Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) ensemble outputs, with natural (labelled ashist-nat...
We examined the impact of extreme temperatures on mortality in 12 counties across Hubei Province, central China, during 2009–2012. Quasi-Poisson generalized linear regression combined with distributed lag non-linear model was first applied to estimate c
6b). This move-and-hold sequence was seeded with ± κt, empirically specified a priori via chromaticity values at deformed states of interest. Temperature changes were induced via forced air in an environmental chamber. Chromatic trajectories during the move-and-hold sequence underscore Chromo...