September 26.5 October 27.0 November 27.0 December 27.5 Year 27.6 Further to the south-east, in Natal, the dry season is from October to December, but the amount of rainfall is usually acceptable also in September and January. On the contrary, from February to July, more than 200 millimeters...
3 n° 158 CEP 05508-900 - Sao Paulo - Brazil;Centra Universitario da FEI, S.B.Campo, Brazil;IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, BelgiumMicroelectronics Technology and Devices: SBMICRO 2005: 20th International Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices(SBMICRO 2005) September 2005...
ExperimentaIStudyoflnterna StudyofnternaI I l I TemperatureDistributioninTwoTestCellswith DiferentRoofSystems GraceTib6rioCardosodeSeixasandFranciscoVecchia SchoolofEngineeringofSaoCarlos.UniversityofSaoPaulo,saoCarlos13566—590,Brazil Abstract:Thisworkispartofa1argeexperimentalstudyonthedistributionofinternal...
Marcello BellodiJoao Antonio MartinoCentro Universitario da FEI, Departamento de Eletricidade, Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco n°. 3972, Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, Postal Code 09850-901, Brazil;Laboratborio de Sistemas Integraveis, Universidade de Sao Paulo - LSI // PSI / USP, Sao...
Microelectronics technology and devices - SBMicro 2010: 25th symposium on microelectronics technology and devices(SBMicro 2010), September 6-9, 2010, Sao Paulo, BrazilSouza M, Bulteel O, Flandre D and Pavanello M 2010 Analysis of lateral SOI PIN diodes for the detection of blue and UV ...
Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2242, CEP 05508-000, Sao Paulo - SP, B18 Simposio Brasileiro de Eletroquimica e Eletroanalitica: XVIII SIBEE, Bento, Goncalves, Brazil, August 28 - September 1, 2011
Spatial variability in temperature exists within metropolitan areas but very few studies have investigated intra-urban differentiation in the temperature-mortality effects. We investigated whether local characteristics of 42 Municipalities within the Greater Athens Area lead to modified temperature effects on ...
In the EVLT model, a laser radiation wavelength of 980 nm with an average laser power of 8–14 W to the traction speed of the optical fiber in range of 1–7 mm/s is applied. The dependence of the TOTFC temperature and the temperature on the vein wall has been numerically investigated...
The grinding tests were conducted on a peripheral surface grinder machine P36, MELLO (MELLO S.A MACHINE AND EQUIPMENT, Sao Paulo, Brazil), with 2.2 kW power and 2400 rpm of maximum spindle speed. A white aluminum oxide (Al2O3) grinding wheel with 297 mm of external diameter was employed...
In Proceedings of the 2020 SAE Brasil Congress & Exhibition, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1 December 2021. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] de Carvalho Pinheiro, H.; Punta, E.; Carello, M.; Ferraris, A.; Airale, A.G. Torque Vectoring in Hybrid Vehicles with In-Wheel Electric Motors: Comparing SMC...