climate regions as defined by NOAA (using state abbreviations), namely, Northeast = CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT; Upper Midwest = IA, MI, MN, WI; Ohio Valley = IL, IN, KY, MO, OH, TN, WV; Southeast = AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, VA; ...
Here, we evaluated the effect pared to that of and seasonality, Tw2h4.icThheistlraerngdelydiifmfepreanctceeds in by To2ceaanndaTn2d4 eoxfhbiibaistoafnTe2voidnetnhtedtirveenrdgednucreining the warming hiatus com- terms of both regionality atmospheric circulations, including the NAO, the AO...
Infrared spectra of the isotopically dilute HDO and NH 3D + species in (NH 4) 2CuCl 4·2H 2O are interpreted as revealing the presence of three phases which exist between room and liquid-helium temperatures. The transition between phases II and III appears to be of the order-disorder type...
The ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method (Huang et al., 1998; Wu and Huang, 2009) was used to analyze the reconstructed EAWT (this study), EAST (Cook et al., 2013), and the annual average and summer temperatures for the Northern Hemisphere (NH; Christiansen and Ljungqvist,...
ACCORDING to PJMedia, theGreen New Dealwill cost approximately$49.109 Trillion in the first ten years, enough to fund Trump’s border wall 8,616 times over. FOR all the economic pain and social upheaval that inevitably ensues when draconian climate policy is enacted, it is only fair and reas...
[114] firstly studied the low-T thermal conductivity of NiCl2-4SC(NH)2 (DTN). The Ni spins are strongly coupled along the tetragonal c axis, making DTN a system of weakly interacting spin-1 chains with single-ion anisotropy larger than the intra-chain exchange coupling. The anisotropy, ...
In the back pressure-flow charac- teristic of fully open, active mussels, pump pressure at zero flow (AH;) was independent of temperature. Predictions based on the pump modelled as a leaky, viscous, constant-force pump were in good agreement with measured and estimated pump parameters, ...
Values for the spectral emissivity measured by Ronchi et al.11, in the near infrared wavelength range, are close to the measurements presented in the current study, which are in the visible wavelength spectrum. rTahnigsesu6g0g0e–s1t0s0e0it nhmer.aFsumrtahlelromr onroe,vbaoritahtisopneco...
(Fig.2) showed that most of the phages identified in theO. patagonicaholobiont were new. Others grouped mainly with phages infectingPseudoalteromonas,Pseudomonas, andRoseobacter, three bacterial genera consistently associated with corals. Three vOTUs presented a partial similarity to Suoliviridae sequences...
Zhang1, Li Pi1,3 &Yuheng Zhang1,3 The cubic B20 compound FeGe, which exhibits a near room temperature skyrmion phase, is of great importance not only for fundamental physics such as nonlinear magnetic ordering and solitons but also for future application of skyrmion states in ...