The DTS device monitors the temperature in the cable trays. These cables supply the power for the lighting on the playing field. The cable trays reach over three levels and are divided into 24 different alarm zones. Mecca Royal Clock Tower Chooses AP Sensing Updated Case ...
Mecca Royal Clock Tower Chooses AP Sensing Updated Case The Mecca Royal Clock Tower is an engineering marvel, and is located near the world’s largest mosque, as well as Islam’s most sacred site, the Masjid al Haram. Four AP Sensing Distributed Temperature Sensing devices were installed to ...
Mecca Royal Clock Tower Chooses AP Sensing Updated Case The Mecca Royal Clock Tower is an engineering marvel, and is located near the world’s largest mosque, as well as Islam’s most sacred site, the Masjid al Haram. Four AP Sensing Distributed Temperature Sensing devices were installed to ...
Al-Rimah–Al-Bāṭin, Al-Sahbāʾ, and the Dawāsir-Jawb were the scenes of Pleistocenefloods. Today floods are infrequent but no less destructive; they seldom, however, reach the desert sands where the channels have been dammed. The directions taken by several large systems have been alt...