In this band (which includes most of Kansas and Missouri, the north of Oklahoma and Arkansas, north-central Tennessee, south-central Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, the states of Kentucky, Connecticut, Rhode Island, West Virginia, New Jersey, Delaware, the District of Columbia, the south of Pennsy...
High Temperature Materials and Processes (HTMP) offers an international publication forum for new ideas, insights, and results related to high-temperature materials and processes in science and technology. The journal publishes original research papers,
See also theProceedings of the 19th Rare Earth Research Conference, Levington, Kentucky, July 1991, to appear inJ. Less Common Metals. Google Scholar E. H. Brandt and A. Sudbo, On the Tilt Modulus of the Flux-Line Lattice in Type II Superconductors,Physica C 180, 426 (1991). Google ...
Walleyes in Laurel River Lake, Kentucky, were located at a depth of 4.2–7.6 m at approximately 238C during thermal stratification (Williams 1997). In contrast, white bass distribution observed duri...Douglas, D. R. and L. A. Jahn. 1987. Radiotracking hybrid striped bass in Spring Lake,...
University Press of Kentucky (in press) 20. Sidi D, Kuipers JRG, Teitel D, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM 1983 Develop- mental changes in oxygenation and circulatory responses to hypoxemia in lambs. Am J Physiol 245:H674-H682 21. Sidi D, Kuipers JRG, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM 1983 Effects of ...
At maturity in September, about half the seeds (achenes) of Erechtites hieracifolia (Asteraceae) collected in Kentucky were dormant (did not germinate at any test condition), whereas the others were conditionally dormant (germinated only at a narrow range of test conditions). Seeds sown on ...
1999. Growth of white crappies in Response to Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Conditions in a Kentucky Reservoir. N. Am. J. Fish. Man. 19: 591-598.Hale, R. S. 1999 Growth of white crappies in response to temperature and dissolved oxygen conditions in a Kentucky reservoir North American...
Abstract: FURTHER ADVENTURES OF TIN MAN: VERTICAL TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS AT THE LOTTS CREEK COAL MINE FIRE, KENTUCKY (2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte (47 November 2012))The Lotts Creek coal mine fire developed in an abandoned underground and surface mine in the Hindman (Hazard No. 9) ...
Methods: This was a prospective study of patients admitted with a diagnosis of a LRTI to four hospitals in Louisville, Kentucky from December 2010 to April 2011. All enrolled patients had a nasopharyngeal swab tested for influenza viruses by the Luminex RVP kit. The weekly proportion of ...
The further adventures of Tin Man: Vertical temperature gradients at the Lotts Creek coal mine fire, Perry County, KentuckyData loggerExplosionThermal gradientCoal fireThe Lotts Creek coal mine fire developed in an abandoned underground and surface mine in the Hindman (Hazard No. 9) coalbed in ...