THCTrillium Health Centre(West Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) THCTenet Health Care THCThe Harvard Crimson(college newspaper) THCThe Health Connection(Tacoma, WA) THCThe Hangover Cure(Apollo Nutrition LLC) THCThe Hope Conspiracy(band) THCTasmanian Heritage Council(Australia) ...
In southern Ontario flowering starts late February based on the weather conditions. Typically, female flowers become receptive before catkins release pollen and stay receptive for up to two months if they do not receive compatible pollen. We recorded flowering time and stages of flowering in our ...
Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, N1G 2W1, Guelph, Ontario, Canada Authors and Affiliations Department of Zoology, University of Montana, 59812, Missoula, Montana Roy G. Danzmann & Moira M. Ferguson Additional information This research was supported by National Science ...
Urban areas have complex thermal distribution. We examined the association between extreme temperature and mortality in urban Ontario, using two temperature data sources: high-resolution and weather station data. We used distributed lag non-linear Poisso
Stephen McIntyre 1 , Ross McKitrick 2 1 Toronto Ontario Canada; 2 Department of Economics, University of Guelph, Guelph Ontario Canada N1G2W1. In a recent paper 1 (herein MM03), we developed an updated version of the climate proxy data set used by Mann et. al. 2 (MBH98) to ...
Maize inbred lines CG60 and CG102 were developed at the University of Guelph, and self-pollinated seed from these genotypes were generated in a Guelph, Ontario nursery. No field permissions were needed to generate the seed. Plants for this study were grown within controlled environments. The re...
The rearing protocol used here is detailed in Muir et al. (2021a) and all experiments were carried out according to Western University Animal Care protocol 2018-084. Briefly, fertilized Atlantic salmon embryos were obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry's Normandale Re...
Individual cow milk samples were collected by CanWest Dairy Herd Improvement customer service representatives in herds across Ontario, Canada. These samples, along with bronopol preserved bulk tank samples were collected from herds participating in the Ontario Johne's Education and Management Assistance ...
TheRiceR2R3-MYBTranscriptionFactorOsMYB55Is InvolvedintheTolerancetoHighTemperatureand ModulatesAminoAcidMetabolism AshrafEl-kereamy 1,3 ,Yong-MeiBi 1 ,KosalaRanathunge 1 ,PerrinH.Beatty 2 ,AllenG.Good 2 , StevenJ.Rothstein 1 * 1DepartmentofMolecularandCellularBiology,UniversityofGuelph,Guelph,...
Department of Food Science Ontario Agricultural College University of Guelph Guelph ON Canada N1G 2W1Springer-VerlagJournal of the American Oil Chemists SocietyWright AJ, Marangoni AG (2007) Time, temperature and concentration dependence of ricinelaidic acid–canola oil organogelation. J Am Oil Chem ...