Duncan K, Marquiss M. The sex-age ratio, diving behaviour and habitat use of Goldeneye Bucephala clangula wintering in northeast Scotland. Wildfowl. 1993;44:111-20. Frere E, Quintana F, Gandini P. Diving behavior of the Red-legged Cormorant in southeastern Patagonia, Argentina. Condor. 2002...
ChIP-qPCR results were quantified by normalization of the MYC-IP signal with the corresponding input signal (IP/input), and different letters represent significant differences (P < 0.01; Duncan’s multiple range test). f Temperature-dependent enrichment of OsMS1 and OsMS1wenmin1 at the EAT...
实验数据采用SPSS 软件(version 20.0)进行单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)差异显著性检验, 方差分析前进行数据正态性和方差齐性检验, 如不符合方差分析的条件, 将数据进行对数或正弦转换。用Duncan’s多重比较来确定组间差异的显著性,P<0.05时视为显著性差异。文中的数据均以均值±标准差(Mean±SD)表示。
22. Chess Williams RG, Broadley KJ, Duncan C: A fundamental temperature- dependent difference between beta-adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists. Life Sci 1984, 35:1091-1099. 23. Riishede L, Nielsen-Kudsk F: Myocardial effects of adrenaline, isoprenaline and dobutamine at hypothermic conditions. ...
(Fμ + Bμ) ψ¯ γ 5γ μψ , Da = ∂a − ı 4 ωbca σ bc, σ ab = ı [γ a, γ b] , 2 F μ = εabcμ ebλ ∂a ecλ , Bμ = − 1 4 e−2φ εabcμ H abc , J 5μ = ψ¯ γμγ 5ψ, (10) 2 In string theory, in the presence of...
除脆度外,其他理化指标实验均重复三次,以SPSS 19.0的Duncan检验分析进行方差分析,P<0.05表示差异显著,采用Origin 2018软件作图;响应面指标采用Design-Expert.V8.0.6.1软件分析作图。 2 结果与分析 2.1 低温真空油炸柿子脆片的单因素试验及响应面优化试验 2.1.1 油炸温度对柿子脆片脆度和ΔE的影响 果蔬脆片的脆度...
Angus Duncan Guest Posts: n/a The free stream temperature of your problem is the temperature of that fluid which is acting as the sink. For example, in the case of a utility boiler, the free stream temperature can be defined as the mean temp of the water/steam mixture rising in the wa...
However, at room temperature, an increase in sugars was observed from the 2nd to the 4th days; under cold storage, the same increase from the 4th to the 8th days might be attributable to the accumulation of more sugars because of the hydrolysis of starch. According to Duncan’s multiple ...
Cassava is an important tropical root crop adapted to a wide range of environmental stimuli such as drought and acid soils. Nevertheless, it is an extremely cold-sensitive tropical species. Thus far, there is limited information about gene regulation and
The effects of different temperature stress on photosynthesis-related genes in the leaves of wucai. The data are presented as the mean ± SE. Bars with different letters above the columns indicate significant differences (P < 0.05, Duncan’s range test) on a given day of treatment ...