What is the temperature in April along the Yangtze & Xian, Beijing, Shangha...
Hi, the average temperature in April for the two cities are around 14-15C.
Historical temperature data from the Canadian Atlantic province of Prince Edward Island is analyzed over the period from April 1913 to July 2013 in order to develop time series models that have the ability to produce accurate forecasting of minimum and maximum monthly average temperatures. In this ...
On the basis of these predictors of snow cover anomalies and SSTAs in the prior April, an empirical model is established for predicting the two principal components (PCs) of the GSSWC across Canada. Hindcasting is performed for the 1972–2007 period with a leaving-nine-out cross-validation ...
This study aims to evaluate the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the propagation of COVID-19 for indoor heating, ventilation, and air condit
Silicate weathering as an important negative feedback can regulate the Earth’s climate over time, but much debate concerns its response strength to each climatic factor and its evolution with land surface reorganisation. Such discrepancy arises from lac
ArticleOpen access14 April 2020 Holocene global mean surface temperature, a multi-method reconstruction approach ArticleOpen access Background & Summary Since the pioneering work of D’Arrigo and Jacoby1,2,3, as well as Mannet al.4,5, temperature reconstructions of the Common Era have become a...
Air pollution in Ontario, Canada during the COVID-19 State of Emergency. Sci. Total Environ. 742, 140516 [2] Alam, K., Qureshi, S., Blaschke, T., 2011. Monitoring spatio-temporal aerosol patterns over Pakistan based on MODIS, TOMS and MISR satellite data and a HYSPLIT model. Atmos....
The marker of circle means the significance at the 95% significant level.MAM,March-April-May;JJA,June-July-August; SON, September-October-November; DJF, December-January-February. [29] Except southwest China and northern Xinjiang Province, most regions had increasing lapse rate trends, similar ...
Therefore, we aimed to (i) test the usability of local vs. gridded climate data; (ii) examine how conifer trees capture temperature and moisture signals based on the local weather station data from the two sites in Siberia and one site in Canada versus gridded data; (iii) perform trend ...