Berlin Bethlehem Canterbury Colebrook Concord Durham Epping Franklin Grafton Greenland Greenville Hanover Haverhill Holderness Hudson Jaffrey Keene Laconia Lancaster Lebanon Madbury Manchester Milan Milford Monroe Mount Washington Nashua New Durham Newbury Newport North...
Washington Lake is located in Washington, USA. Temperature profiles were measured between 9:00 and 16:00 in the main trench of the lake. Temperature was measured using various bathythermographs between 1933–1986, a Kahl digital temperature meter 202WA510 beginning in 1974, and a YSI 6600 V2 ...
Two L of WPC35 was transferred to a double jacketed bioreactor vessel equipped with an overhead stirrer (bbi-biotech GmbH, Berlin, Germany) and a WCR WisCircu cooling thermostat water bath (WITEG Labortechnik, Wertheim, Germany) for temperature control at 8ᵒC. The pH of the reaction was...
Department of Biological SciencesUniversity of New Hampshire, Academic WayDurhamNew Hampshire03824USAJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdNorth American Journal of AquacultureColburn, H.R., Walker, A.B. & Berlinsky, D.L. 2012. Rainbow smelt weaning and the effects of temperature and salinity on juvenile ...
Using the X-Pulse broadband benchtop NMR spectrometer in variable temperature mode allows for diffusion constants to be directly measured for all the nuclei commonly found in battery electrolytes (¹H, ⁷Li, ¹¹B, ¹⁹F, ²³Na & ³¹P), across the entire standard operating ...
Oxford Instruments unique new Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) IR Filter unlocks high temperature EDS analysis in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). It uses a super light material to block IR radiation and provides good sensitivity for low energy X-rays (Carbon and Boron are detected) all...
For optical microscopy, the samples were etched in addition. The etching solution consists of 5-g citric acid in 95-mL distilled water. The EBSD microstructure analysis was carried out at ZELMI (Zentraleinrichtung für Elektronenmikroskopie, Technische Universität Berlin) using a Hitachi S-2700 ...
Springer Berlin HeidelbergEnvironmental GeologyGrant, S. A., and Sletten, R. S. (2002). Calculating capillary pressures in frozen and ice- free soils below the melting temperature. Environmental Geology, 42, 130-136.Grant S. A., Sletten R. S. - Calculating capillary pressures in frozen and...
During exposure to direct sunlight, leaf temperature increases rapidly and can reach values well above air temperature in temperate forest understories, especially when transpiration is limited due to drought stress, but the physiological effects of such high-temperature events are imperfectly understood....
In Handbook of Nanoelectrochemistry; Springer International Publishing: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2016; pp. 389–416. [Google Scholar] Mallory, G.O.; Hajdu, J.B. Electroless Plating: Fundamentals and Applications; American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society: Orlando, FL, USA, 1990. [...