Some earlier attempts at a classification of biological phenomena and the undcrlying "master processes" by the aid of the temperature coefficient Q10, as well as a more recent attempt by means of the temperature characteristics 渭 (Crozier), has necessarily failed for a double reason. First, ...
InFig. 5we show the calculated ignition delay times of homogeneous heptane–air mixtures using mechanisms with[6,7]and without[8]the low-temperature chemistry relevant for ignition[9]. It is seen that, without the low-temperature chemistry, the crucial phenomenon ofnegative temperature coefficient(...
n, relates to the real index of refraction, which indicates the amount by which an electromagnetic wave slows in comparison to its velocity in a vacuum. The extinction coefficient, or extinction index, k, is an imaginary number
Open circles with vertical and horizontal error bars = calculated values of temperature for global distribution of intraplate volcanism ± 1.5× minimum misfit; black line 1:1 relationship; R = correlation coefficient; P = population correlation coefficient; R = 0.28 is ...
Thermometers with semiconductor (e.g., gallium arsenide, GaAs; Christensen, 1977) material are based on the dependence of the absorption coefficient upon temperature and upon frequency of the incident radiation. Such thermometers consist of two optic fibers. Narrowband LED light is coupled to the in...
Mukai, “Infrared Thermooptic Coefficient Measurement of Polycrystalline ZnSe, ZnS, CdTe, CaF2, and BaF2, Single Crystal KCI, and TI-20 Glas,” 16 Applied Optics 436-38 (1977), and a phase-locked-loop ultrasonic method is described in K. Ikeda, “Ultrasonic Measurement of Concentration in ...
The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from no correlation (white) to perfect correlation (dark blue). Each sample has three biological replicates. The abbreviation: MK, monokaryotic mycelium; DK, Dikaryotic mycelium; PD, primordium; FB, Fruiting body. Additional file 3: Table S1. Tissue-...
Experimental results for the two self-diffusion coefficients and one mutual diffusion coefficient at 25°C in the four binary aqueous mixtures with MeOH, EtOH, CH3CN and HCON(CH3)2 are reported. The method applied was partly the n.m.r. s... AJ Easteal,LA Woolf - 《Chemischer Information...
Under the effect of temperature, due to the difference in particle size and thermal expansion coefficient of various mineral particles in granite, the thermal expansion at the particle boundaries is inconsistent. The tensile and compressive stress (structural thermal stress) generated between the mineral...
(Fig.2c). Moreover, the average temperature coefficient (Q10; i.e., the relative change in carbonate excretion rate for every 10 °C rise in temperature) across the observed temperature range was 1.74 (95% CI: 1.06, 2.73). Carbonate excretion rate was negatively related to RIL (natural...