Forthin items such as chops and hamburger patties, insert the thermometer sideways. Minimum Internal Temperature Chart SAFEMINIMUMINTERNALTEMPERATURESFORBEEF,POULTRY,ANDOTHERFOODS PRODUCTMINIMUMFAHRENHEIT Beef Ground160°F Roasts, steaks, and chops145°F; allow to rest for at least 3 minutes ...
This is calledcarryover cooking. While small cuts of meat like steaks or chops experience minimal carryover, large cuts, like turkeys or roasts, can experience as much as5-10°F(3-6°C) increase in internal temperature while the exterior cools. We call the way a cooked turkey comes to on...
Since the primary chemical reactions in cooking are triggered by heat, let’s take a look at a chart of the temperatures at which the reactions we’ve just described begin to occur, along with the temperatures that we commonly use for applying heat to food: Temperatures of common reactions ...
The thermal diffusion mathematics to calculate how much time it will take for the core of the food to get close to the water temperature are quite complicated, so it is best to use a chart for this purpose, such as the one below. I’ve adapted this chart from the huge tables in Moder...