Keywords: temperature-salinity structure/ FVCOM numerical model/ mixed layer/ extreme climate/ Zhongsha Islands sea area 海水的温度、盐度、深度(简称温盐深)是海洋的最基本物理参数[1]。海水温盐结构不仅决定了营养盐和初级生产力的分布变化,而且能够直接影响水团垂直边界的划定、潜艇活动和水声仪器的使用。南海...
In addition to SPEEDY AGCM coupled to a mixed-layer ocean model, we also consider a fully coupled, state-of-the-art dynamical climate model as well. The CMCC–CM2−SR5 is a climate system model52 developed at the Euro–Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) Foundation. Its core ...
javascript graphic polygon google-earth-engine sst gee sea-surface-temperature Updated Dec 14, 2023 JavaScript zmlabe / SSTResponse Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests PAMIP simulations to understand role of sea surface temperatures on polar amplifications arctic ensembles climate-science antarctica cl...
Decadal predictability of North Atlantic sea surface temperature and climate The weather at middle latitudes is largely unpredictable more than a week or so in advance, whereas fluctuations in the ocean may be predictable over much longer timescales. If decadal fluctuations in North Atlantic sea surfac...
In this study, we used the NCAR CAM3.0 model to study the climate effects of both decadal global Sea Surface Temperature(SST) changing and the increasing aerosol concentration in East Asia in boreal spring. In the decadal SST changing experiment, a prominent sea surface cyclone anomaly occurred ...
His staring at her in the heart of the planet temperature rise gradually. 他凝望着她的星球温度在心里逐渐升高。 Such a temperature rise is seen as the limit of safety , beyond which the effects of climate change become irreversible . 气温的这种升幅被视为安全极限,一旦逾越,气候变化的效应便...
A robust global annual mean warming in the Holocene was simulated by climate models mainly in response to CO25. Fig. 4: Time evolution of the warming mode is correlated with the greenhouse effect while the cooling mode is associated with the Arctic sea-ice increase. a The gray curve shows ...
The last IPCC assessment report indicated that natural climate variability could temporarily amplify or obscure anthropogenic climate change on decadal time scales. Here we analyse global mean surface temperatures in terms of such long-period variations. We find two main oscillations, a strong oscillation...
Here we use climate models and observational reconstructions to explore the relationship between changes in sea surface temperature and tropical cyclone 'potential intensity'--a measure that provides an upper bound on cyclone intensity and can also reflect the likelihood of cyclone development. We find...
Transient climate models revealed monotonic warming temperatures throughout the Holocene1,3, which seem to be supported by quantitative reconstructions of winter seasonal temperature at several regions at the high latitudes of continental Eurasia4,7,8. However, proxy reconstructions based on a stack of...