Stretch It! How Does Temperature Affect a Rubber Band?Ben FinioScience Buddies
The information of flow arrangements in these studies is also included since the flow arrangements determine the local heat transfer performance and strongly affect the temperature gradient in PEN structures. Similar to plate heat exchangers, planar SOFC stacks have co-flow, counter-flow, and cross-...
Cook and De Fontaine (1969) considered this problem of “atomic elasticity” and obtained two new results, namely that the elastic energy depends on the magnitude as well as the direction of β, and that a crystal which is elastically isotropic on a macroscopic scale may nevertheless be ...
and as a consequence exhibitTgs that differ by about 15 K at most for the same polymer; these are still within the 95% prediction band (i.e., about ±26 K in this case). But, as the molecular weight (see Supplementary Note1) becomes smaller...
The σD reflects the ability of RPUF to resist the external compressive load in the stage of online elasticity and platform zone, and the WD represents the sum of the compression energy absorption of the first two stages. Therefore, the energy absorption of RPUF after random vibration treatment...
However, the theoretical models employed in the above numerical simulations mainly involve thermo-elasticity, linear elastic fracture and cohesive crack models, in which the numerical simulations pose four limitations. Firstly, given the rock fracturing is not an elastic process (Bažant, 2002), the...
Fig. 4. Superelasticity or pseudoelasticity [21]. (1)dσdT= ΔHamεT0 where, σ is the stress required to induce A→M transformation, ΔH is the enthalpy of transformation and T0 is the equilibrium temperature. The relationship between stress and temperature (as given by Eq. (1)) is...
Rubber hydrocarbon content (solubility) is the dominant factor affecting the high-temperature elasticity of CR-modified asphalt; the higher the content, the more pronounced the elasticity of the modified asphalt [16]. Many studies have shown that the pre-desulfurization of CR enhances the properties...
The Physics of Rubber Elasticity; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 1975; ISBN 0198570279. [Google Scholar] Flory, P.J. Phase equilibria in polymer systems: Swelling of network structures. In Principles of Polymer Chemistry; Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY, USA, 1953; ISBN 0-8014-...
However, the concentration of MBAA did not significantly affect the modulus of the hybrid gel (Figure S2). These phenomena may be attributable to the very low stiffness of PNIPAAm networks. Fracture tests were performed with notched samples. The initial notches were made by a razor blade while...