必应词典为您提供temperament-test的释义,网络释义: 秉性测试;气质测验;
Start test Some people take online “character tests” to determine what sort of temperament they have. Perhaps it is worth trying to understand these concepts in more detail. Temperament is an inborn characteristic of a person based on the properties of the nervous system such as strength, mobi...
The TypeFinder® Temperament Test 674,867TESTS TAKEN IN THE LAST 30 DAYS This quick, free personality quiz helps you discover your temperament type according to the 16-type system popularized by Myers, Briggs, and Keirsey. From each pair, choose the phrase that describes you best....
气质类型测试(Temperamenttypetest) 气质类型测试 2010-07-2721:32:24 你拥有【中等程度的胆汁质】【比较明显的多血质】【比较不明显的粘 液质】的混合特征 胆汁质(54) 多血质(51) 粘液质(48) 抑郁质(42) 根据公元前5世纪古希腊医生希波克拉底的看法,人体内有4种体液 ...
Take our free temperament test to discover your unique personality type. Please note that this free personality test was created for fun only and is inspired by Jung’s work and the original MBTI test®. However, of every free personality test online, you’ll find this one to be refreshing...
Take our free temperament test to discover your unique personality type. Please note that this free personality test was created for fun only and is inspired by Jung’s work and the original MBTI test®. However, of every free personality test online, you’ll find this one to be refreshing...
传统气质类型测验(Temperament-Type-Test)2传统气质类型测验(Temperament-Type-Test)2 LT 19、理解问题总比别人快。 20、碰到危险情景时,常有一种极度恐怖感。 21、对学习、工作、事业怀有很高的热情。 22、能够长时间做枯燥、单调的工作。 23、符合兴趣的事情,干起来劲头十足,否则就不想干。 24、一点小事就能...
Art andLaraine Bennettauthor ofThe Temperament God Gave You, originally developed this test based on the four temperaments using 30 years of counseling experience. This particular test has been perfected over time with more than 250K people having taken the test....
必应词典为您提供will-temperament-test的释义,网络释义: 意志-气质测验;气质测验;意志;