在Oracle中创建游标之前创建表 我有一个PL/SQL过程,它创建一个临时表,然后使用游标从此临时表中提取数据,处理数据,然后删除临时表.但是,如果数据库中不存在表,则Oracle不允许使用游标. 请帮我处理这件事. oracle plsql temp-tables oracle10g use*_*310 2011 12-27 -1推荐指数 1解决办法 7477查看次数 ...
5 shrink permanent tablespace in oracle 11g 5 Oracle 11g how to estimate needed TEMP tablespace? 3 How to increase the TEMP TABLE Space value in Oracle? 1 What is the maximum size of temp tablespace in oracle database? 0 how to cleanup the temp tablespace in oracle 10g server , Please...
当oracle 里需要用到sort 的时候, PGA 中 sort_area_size 大小不够时,将会把数据放入临时表空间里进行排序,同时如果有异常情况的话,也会被放入临时表空间。 正常来说,在完成 Select 语句、 create index 等一些使用 TEMP 表空间的排序操作后, Oracle 是会自动释放掉临时段的。 注意这里的释放,仅仅是将这些空...
Oracle-Temp-临时表空间 OracleTemp临时表空间OracleTemp临时表空间 一.TemporaryTablespacs说明 Atemporarytablespacecontainstransientdatathatpersistsonlyforthedurationofasession.Nopermanentschemaobjectscanresideinatemporarytablespace.Thedatabasestorestemporarytablespacedataintempfiles. Temporarytablespacescanimprovethe...
一.Temporary Tablespacs说明 A temporary tablespace contains transient data that persists only for the duration of a session. No permanent schema objects can reside in a temporary tablespace. The database stores temporary tablespace data in temp files. ...
在 Oracle 12c 之前,临时表生成的 Undo 记录是存储在 Undo 表空间 和 Redo 日志文件中 的,通用表和持久表的 undo 记录也是 存储在 Undo 表空间中的,从 Oracle 12c 开始 ,临时 Undo 记录可以存储在 临时表空间中,且不再记录到 Redo 日志文件中, 这样做的主要好处在于: 减少 Undo 表空间 的使用 , 且 减...
Temporary tablespaces are used for database sorting and joining operations and for storing global temporary tables. It may grow in size over a period of time and thus either we need to recreate temporary tablespace or shrink it to release the unused space. ...
This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the Oracle GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES with syntax and examples. Global Temporary Tables in Oracle are tables that are created distinct within the Oracle sessions.
I've developed this TEMP tablespaces Monitor via DBLINKS in ORACLE it sends an email if any temp tablespace reaches any percentage called by v_used: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SP_TEMP_MON( v_used NUMBER ) AS v_sql VARCHAR2(4000); v_html CLOB := EMPTY_CLOB(); v_execution_date DATE...
Unfortunately, the data that is in the excel file is NOT in our database but in order for me to report on data, I need to bring it in for comparison. Is this doable? If so, what would the appropriate approach be for this?oracle temporary-tables excel...