npm install temp-mail-io Usage import{newEmail,fetchEmails,deleteEmail}from'temp-mail-io';asyncfunctionmain(){console.log("Creating new email")constr=awaitnewEmail();console.log(r)console.log("Fetching emails")// or you can use await fetchTempEmailsWithWait(, 1, 30000) to ...
Temp Mail allows you to create and manage your temporary emails. Here some examples of using: - Download e-book, courses, etc. - Register on website. - Get free…
iPhone 截屏 简介 Temp Mail allows you to create and manage your temporary emails. Here some examples of using: - Download e-book, courses, etc. - Register on website. - Get free bonuses in-game. All of it and more can be done using Temp Mail and you can forget about spam because ...
Temporary mail - is online service which allows you to receive disposable email to the temp mail. Throwaway email is a good choice to fight spam.
temp-mail-io []( temp-mail temp-mail-io temp-mail-api temp-mail-node temp-mail-js temp-mail-io-node temp-mail-io-js ... 支持语言: 5 种语言 更新时间: 2024-01-04 22:05:57 ID: ckcdnopgiijkcoejjophlljlfommgihi 小站精选: Dark Reader Adblock Plus 广告拦截器 Tampermonkey 油猴脚本 Awesome Screenshot 截图与录屏 Momentum 新标签页 Marinara: 番茄工作法助手 Chrome 版 Todoist Chrono下载管理器 相关...
You are about to download theTemp Mail 2.0.9 Extension crx file for Chrome based browsers: Temp Mail - Disposable Temporary Email, Temp Mail allows you to easily keep your email address clean and safe from spam and hackers by providing you temporary email ... ...
The temp mail address to keep your original mailbox safe. Our disposable, temporary email platform offers fleeting email addresses, lasting from 10 minutes to 2 weeks.
/var 文件系统包含会改变的文件,比如spool目录(mail、news、打印机等用的), log文件、 formatted manual pages和暂存文件。传统上/var 的所有东西曾在 /usr 下的某个地方,但这样/usr 就不可能只读安装 了。 /home 文件系统包含用户家目录,即系统上的所有实际数据。一个大的/home 可能要分为若干文件系统,需要...
是mail IN A [root@master ~]# named-checkzone "" /var/named/检测配置文件,123.com是他的zone) [root@master ~]# vim /etc/named.conf 添加监听的ip listen-on port 53 {;; };[root@master ~]# named-checkconf(检测配置) [root@...