我們將消息存儲12小時,並在過期後自動刪除消息。 郵箱的域名會不斷更新,也許不會永遠,qabq.com 會一直有效,域名不會消失。 發送電子郵件已完全禁用,由於欺詐和垃圾郵件問題,我們不會實施。 © 2022 Mail.cx APIPrivacy policyTerms and ConditionsGDPR Policy 正體中文...
Temporary email API for disposable email accounts. Free for personal use with REST API and clients in NodeJS, CSharp and more. Looking for a temporary email address API? MailSlurp has a free service for creating email accounts using the temp mail api. Create a free account to obtain an ap...
session: 修复了错误#79413(session_create_id()对于活动会话失败) Shmop: 修复了错误#79427(shm...
Temporary Disposable E-mail fast and easy API - is a service that allows to receive email at a temporary address that self-destructed after a certain time elapses. It is also known by names like: tempmail, 10minutemail, throwaway email, fake-mail or tras
There are a few basic cases where you need temporary mail To ensure that the email function works properly, developers must test it. They no longer need to create a special test email address. In Tempmailo, they are ready right away. Our API will soon become publicly available, making the...
pythonherokubottelegramtelegram-botemailtelegram-bot-apitempmailtempmail-api UpdatedMay 19, 2024 Python Crazyco-xyz/48hr.email Star64 https://48hr.email| Dont give shady companies your real email. Use 48hr.email to protect your privacy!
TempMail is a user-friendly Python application with a sleek GUI that provides temporary email addresses via the mail.tm API. It allows users to receive, manage, and view emails securely on their local system for verification, validation, and private mess
Using Email APIs is a convenient way to manage email communications. Integrating an Email API automates sending and receiving emails, saving time.MailSlurp is a free email API for creating email accounts on demand that can send and receive real emails from code or tests. What is an email API...
temp-mail-io [](https://badge.fury.io/js/temp-mail-io) temp-mail temp-mail.io temp-mail-io temp-mail-api temp-mail-node temp-mail-js temp-mail-io-node temp-mail-io-js jale29• 0.0.11 • 2 months ago • 0 dep...
temp-mail cemalgnlts •3.0.1•a year ago•2dependents•MITpublished version3.0.1,a year ago2dependentslicensed under $MIT 11,510 temp-mail-api NodeJS API for temp-mail.org temp-mail temp mail api mathieuc •1.1.1•4 years ago•0dependents•ISCpublished version1.1.1,4 years...