These agencies are very often the lowest of the low they do not offer benefits , they will tell you the employer will do that when they make you permanent , of course the job ends before that ever happens . B.E. You are judged not by what you know, but by what you can do. ...
At some of Walmart’s critical logistics hubs, multiple temp agencies may be providing workers under the same roof. The temp model also extends far beyond retail. The housekeeper who cleans your room at a Hyatt hotel may not work for Hyatt, but for a temp firm you’ve never heard of, ...
Opinions in the paper do not constitute an endorsement or approval by the funding agencies and only reflect the personal views of the authors. Author Contributions Y.Y. and G.C. designed the study; Y.M. and W.H. collected the data; P.F. and C.L. analyzed the results; and Y.Y. ...