Temecula,距离洛杉矶仅1小时车程,是一个隐藏的约会宝藏地。这里不仅有热气球🎈、品酒🍷,还有古董店🏺,提供一条龙服务。🎈 热气球体验:想要享受浪漫的热气球之旅?记得提前在California Dreamin Hot Air Balloon Adventures官网上预约。5:15am到达指定地点集合,地点是33133 Vista Del Monte Rd Temecula, CA 92591。
🏠住宿体验:我们选择了Carter Estate,这里允许带宠物,环境非常不错。阳台朝西,后面就是葡萄园,连续几天都看到了绝美的日落。不过,早餐就不太推荐了,味道一般。🎈热气球之旅:我们提前两周在California dreaming官网上预定了热气球体验。当天早上4点就起床了,5:15有人来酒店接我们,和其他人汇合后一起前往起点。...
威爾遜溪酒莊(Wilson Creek Winery): 35960 Rancho California Road. 提供品酒室,餐廳,禮品店和酒莊導覽熱氣球 熱氣球可以說是在德美古拉除了參觀酒莊之外最著名的活動. 行程約須一小時, 搭乘熱氣球眺望美麗的德美古拉酒鄉風景可以說在南加州地區是獨一無二. 提供熱氣球行程的公司包括:A...
Escape to Temecula Creek Inn located near Old Town Temecula featuring a championship golf course, California Wineries, ideal cusine and more. Book today!
California Dreamin' Balloon Adventures 热气球缓慢升空,让你领略到 Temecula 山谷的全貌。仰望蓝天、俯瞰大地,你可以在空中展开双臂,自由地享受空气、阳光、鸟鸣。(可预订,工作日$168/人,周末$199/人,大小同价) 酒乡骑马之旅 Wine Country Trails by Horseback ...
如果你正在寻找一个离洛杉矶不远的周末短途旅行地,那么Temecula绝对是一个不错的选择。从DTLA出发,开车一个半小时就能到达,而且往返都没有堵车(可能是年底大家都放假了的原因吧)。 热气球之旅 🎈 这次旅行的重头戏当然是热气球了!我选择了California Dreamin,可以直接在他们的官网上预约。飞行一般是日出之旅,早上5...
California Dreamin' Balloon Adventures提前预约。🧑🧑🧒 适合全家的活动: 橄榄油品鉴:在Temecula Olive Oil Company体验橄榄油和醋的多种风味,或者参观橄榄园。 骑马穿越葡萄园:在Wine Country Trails,所有马匹都是被救助和康复的。 Peltzer Farms:节日活动丰富,适合万圣节和圣诞节期间,现场美食和音乐。
Old Town Temecula Begin your explorations in the heart of the city, a charming area calledOld Town. Here, modern California staples like farm-to-tablerestaurantsandcraft breweriesare set among historical buildings that bring to mind Temecula’s 19th-century roots. Wooden boardwalks and old-timey ...
Taste the California Sun. Locally grown. Fresh-squeezed. Naturally delicious. Olive Oil. Welcome to Temecula Olive Oil Company
Another amazing local favorite in Old Town Temecula is Crush & Brew, located right in the center of Old Town Temecula! This restaurant offers the best of Southern California’s locally-produced beer and wine as well as live music on the weekends!