BioStem Technologies® produces innovative perinatal tissue-based allografts, including VENDAJE®, VENDAJE AC® and VENDAJE® optic.
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Integrating these accumulated technologies into a new 200 kV TEM/STEM platform results in an instrument with an optimum combination of sub-Å imaging and analysis, as well as the flexibility and unique capabilities to address the most advanced studies. Learn More Transmission Electron Microscope ...
Integrating these accumulated technologies into a new 200 kV TEM/STEM platform results in an instrument with an optimum combination of sub-Å imaging and analysis, as well as the flexibility and unique capabilities to address the most advanced studies. ...
BioStem Technologies Inc. options data by MarketWatch. View BSEM option chain data and pricing information for given maturity periods.
雪球为您提供BioStem Technologies(BSEM)股票实时行情,资金流向,新闻资讯,研究报告,社区互动,交易信息,个股点评,公告,财务指标分析等与BioStem Technologies(BSEM)股票相关的信息与服务.
Biostem Technologies Inc OTCPK:BSEM 美国/ 医疗保健 / 制药 货币$添加至自选组合 CAPM与WACC模型 股票价格 15.51USD MetricsRangeConclusion Selected Beta1.10 - 1.201.15 Cost Equity9.8% - 11.5%10.6% Tax Rate14.0% - 14.0%14.0% Cost Debt Aftax6.0% - 6.5%6.2%...
Integration with Advanced Technologies Sophisticated TEM sample preparation technologies, including DualBeam FIB-SEM systems, help us generate high-quality samples with exact thickness and surface smoothness. The integration allows site-specific lamellae for in-situ experiments to study material behavior under...
Amprius Technologies(AMPX) 硅阳极电池先行者,电池能量密度比当前三元锂电池高20%,寿命估计略低,在无人机领域有大优势。从earning call上看,扩展销售渠道顺利而且对接的都是大客户,现有两个大订约有35m以上收入了(其他多多少少几m)以及潜在的5年2Gw意向,如果24年对接的客户在测试后今年能有额外订单60m的收入应...
Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers,service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach. ...