Our free Telugu-Kannada dictionary is provided by Wiktionary™ and world star major dictionaires. You can use ourTelugu-Kannada translator,Kannada-Telugu translator,Telugu spell checker,Kannada spell checker,Telugu keyboardandKannada keyboard.
1.English to Telugu Translation 2.Telugu to English Translation 3.Telugu to Hindi Translation 4.Telugu to Marathi Translation 5.Telugu to Gujarati Translation Telugu to Tamil Translation Telugu to Kannada Translation Telugu to Malayalam Translation...
Send Email Telugu to Tamil Telugu to Hindi Telugu Fonts Telugu Keyboard Additional options appear here!Hindi Typing Kannada Typing Marathi Typing Oriya Typing Tamil Typing Malayalam Typing Subscribe our Channel and Learn How to Type in Telugu Online in 2 minutes ...
4.Nannayya considered the first Telugu poet and translator who has written first treatise on Telugu grammar in Sanskrit known as "Andhra Sabda Cintamani" dated back to 12th century CE. 5.Atharvana Acharya in the 13th century wrote a grammar of Telugu, calling it the Trilinga sabdanusasana o...
marketing, social media, ecommerce, education, law, subtitling, tamil, interpretation, transcription, hindi, ... 5 MoniSa Linguistics Native in English英语 Hindi, English, Japanese, Korean, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Oriya, ... Post...
P. AparnaIJERT-International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
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I have been working as a translator since 2012. I provide the following services: Translation, Voice-over, Teaching (Language Courses), Kannada to English Translator, Data Entry, Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi Languages to English Translator. By today, I have translated about 10,000 to 50,000 words...
Spelling Bee Hear the words in multiple accents and then enter the spelling. The games gets challenging as you succeed and gets easier if you find the words not so easy. Spelling Bee Word Guess The game will show the clue or a hint to describe the word which you have to guess. It’s...
English To Hindi Dictionary English To Tamil Dictionary English To Telugu Dictionary English To Malayalam Dictionary English To Kannada DictionaryEnglish to Telugu Translator Translate Revert Copy Word of the day Gland சுரப்பி (surappi) Tamil ग्रंथि (granathi...