Telophase is a late stage in mitosis and meiosis, two types of cell division in eukaryotes. During telophase, the two new daughter cells form nuclear membranes that separate the DNA from the cytoplasm. In eukaryotes, DNA is enclosed by the nucleus to keep it separate from the rest of the ...
Related to Telophase I:Anaphase I,Anaphase II meiosis top to bottom:In meiosis a parent cell replicates and recombines, divides once to create two daughter cells, then divides again creating four daughter cells, each of which has half the genetic content of the original parent cell. ...
Our data suggest that the stage with the highest response, in terms of callus generation, is meiosis. In particular, we propose the window from metaphase I to telophase II, including tetrad cellularisation, as the timeframe where induction can be accomplished in tomato anther cultures....
These stages are not a general feature of meiosis and in many cases are skipped as the cell proceeds directly to the second meiotic division. In metazoan oocytes, cell division is asymmetric, resulting in the production of a small polar body plus a large oocyte cell. 4. Meiosis II. During...
Define Telophase II. Telophase II synonyms, Telophase II pronunciation, Telophase II translation, English dictionary definition of Telophase II. meiosis top to bottom:In meiosis a parent cell replicates and recombines, divides once to create two daughter
MeiosisPuccinia malvacearumSpindle pole bodySummary The three-dimensional structure of the spindle pole body (SPB) and meiotic spindle during early metaphase I through telophase I in Puccinia malvacearum is analyzed ultrastructurally from serial sections. During early metaphase I the spindle rotates ...
Pairing and recombination of homologous chromosomes take place during prophase of meiosis I. Five stages of meiotic prophase are used to describe the process: leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis (Fig. 45.1B). Leptotene (from the Greek, meaning “thin ribbon”) starts with...
II. Prometaphase-telophase II and post division nuclear behavior. J. Phycol. 23( I): (in press).Broadwater S T,Scott J,and Evans L V.Ultrastructure of meiosis in Dasya baillouviana (Rhodophyta). Ⅰ. Prophase Ⅰ. Journal of Phycology . 1986...
II. Prometaphase I -- telophase II and post-division nuclear behavior. J. Phycol. 22: 501-512.Broadwater S, Scott J, Pobiner B (1986) Ultrastructure of meiosis in Dasya baillouviana (Rhodophyta). II. Prometaphase I-telophase II and post-division nuclear behavior. J Phycol 22: 501–512...
O'Donnell KL, McLaughlin DJ (1981c) Ultrastructure of meiosis in the hollyhock rust fungus Puccinia malvacearum III. Interphase I - interphase II. Protoplasma 108:265-288O’Donnell KL, McLaughlin DJ (1981b) Ultrastructure of meiosis in the hollyhock rust fungus Puccinia malvacearum II. ...