Time puzzle This time puzzle printable is a fun way for kindergartners, grade 1, and grade 2 students to practice telling timeto the hour and half an hour while having fun with a bug theme or insect theme. Use this telling the time activity to reinforce teaching telling time. Whether you...
Time Puzzle One of the most important math skills kids learn in the elementary years istelling time. They need to learn not only how to tell time, but also how to solve more advanced problems involving time. It often seems, however, that my daughter needs a lot of practice and review. ...
Put 10 Time Words in Alphabetical Order - WorksheetPut 10 time-related words in alphabetical order. The words are: calendar, clock, day, hour, minute, month, second, time, week, year. Go to the answers. Time Word Pieces PuzzleIn this puzzle, combine pairs of word segments to make time...
A worksheet to practice telling time. Free Plan Free Plan Time Dominoes - Five Minute Intervals Practice telling time to the nearest 5 minutes by matching 32 analog and digital clock dominoes. Estimate the Time - Math Worksheets for 1st Grade ...
Ready to tackle elapsed time? Have students use thisfree printable worksheetto record the time they spend on three different activities, at home or at school. Think: basketball practice, dance class, watching their favorite TV show, eating a banana—or doing their homework. ...
Telling Time Activities Kindergarten kids will LOVE this set of telling time puzzle cards. They will need to read the digital number time display on the card and match it to the clock displaying the correct time. This watermelon theme is bound to spark your kiddos’ interest! When they match...