We use It is or It's to respond to the questions that ask for the time right now. 当被问到现在几点钟时,可以用It is 或 It's 来回答。 • It is half past five (5:30). 现在5:30了。 • It's ten to twelve (11:50) 现在11:50。 We use the structure AT + time when giving...
When it is 15 minutes before the hour we normally say: a quarter to 距离整点还有15分钟,用quarter+to表示 • 12:45 - It's (a) quarter to one When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally say: half past 过了整点30分钟,通常用half past表示。 • 3:30 - It's half past three...
When it is 15 minutes before the hour we normally say: a quarter to 距离整点还有15分钟,用quarter+to表示 • 12:45 - It's (a) quarter to one When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally say: half past 过了整点30分钟,通常用half past表示。 • 3:30 - It's half past three...
• It is half past five (5:30). 现在5:30了。 • It's ten to twelve (11:50) 现在11:50。 We use the structure AT + time when giving the time of a specific event. 告诉别人意见事情的具体时间可以用AT + 时间。 • The flight leaves at a quarter to two (1:45). 飞机1:45起...
小学一年级英语 Telling The Time Itisaclock Theyarehandsoftheclock to fiveto….tento…aquarterto..O’clock Past fivepast…tenpast…aquarterpast...twentyto….Twenty-fiveto….halfpast…twentypast..Twenty-fivepast…What’sthetime?it’sFouro’clock What’sthetime?it’sfivepasttwo What’sthetime...
What time is it now? Look at the clock. half past six 半点的说法 表的长短指针分别是 little hand or short hand big hand 指向几点 The little hand is pointing at 我会让小蜜桃猜几点了要做什么,看图去猜。 比如: collect farm eggs 捡鸡蛋这么地道的搭配你get到了吗 ...
We only use ‘o’clock’ when we are telling time using the 12-hour clock so English speakers would never say ’13 o’clock’. We only have a ‘half past, never a ‘half to’. Unlike many other languages, in English we use ‘half past’ to talk about any time ending in ‘:3...
Here are some English phrases you can use when you want to know or say what the time is. With example sentences. Listen to the song with subtitles. Vocabulary for ESL learners and teachers.
Welcome to ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. TELLING THE TIME worksheet...
Telling the time in Japanese is quite straightforward and regular. Hours To specify the hour, append the counter じ 時 to the number. You can use the following search syntax to find the hours in the dictionary:counter:時. 一時いちじone o'clock ...