OnReddit, a dad is being slammed after telling his 6-year-old daughter he thinks her name is "stupid" after she was bullied in school for it. In hispost, the father explained that his daughter, Mildred, came home from school upset after a classmate told her that her name "sounded lik...
OnReddit, a dad is being slammed after telling his 6-year-old daughter he thinks her name is "stupid" after she was bullied in school for it. In hispost, the father explained that his daughter, Mildred, came home from school upset after a classmate told her that her name "sounded lik...
Trigger warning. This story is a bit dark, so tread lightly as you read. When this father is confused about how his wife is feeding their kid, he asks Reddit: "AITA for telling my wife I don't like her breastfeeding method?" ...
"AITA for telling my sister she can't control the name her son introduces himself as?" My sister named my nephew Skylar. She has always called him Skylar and told everybody she knew he would not be Sky, that Sky is a girl's name and not even a good girl'...
"My daughter told me that the worker had been telling her she should do these things, so she said she decided to video her," Bazley said. CPS is housing the girl at a hotel. She's one of dozens of foster kids living at hotels in Harris County. RELATED: CPS disproportionately ta...
Angela Carole Brown is an award-winning author, poet, multi-media artist, and singer/ songwriter, and is involved in the wellness arts. This is her space for telling stories, exploring the creative process, and courting the marvelous caves of self-disco
There was another world, and there were landscapes of Arctic wildness and Gothic complexity; there were gigantic figures of moral darkness and light engaging in a conflict whose causes and outcome were invisible to me. And it began with a little girl going into a room where she shouldn’t ...
Check out what AskReddit users said about this. One person said she’s an a**hole and that it doesn’t seem like she’s a good match for people who have kids. Photo Credit:Reddit Another Reddit user said she’s an a**hole and they made a very good poin...
If you like us AND you like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you will love our new show: Myth Taken: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast, now available through all the podcatchers! Please think about checking out our Audible Trial program. Visit Audibletrial.com/newworldwitchery to get your free ...
I have missed blogging over the last month or so, but have found that I have relatively little to say. I am thankful (#2!) to be back to it today. Blogging, for me, is like a comfy old sweater that you find at the back of the closet. I don’t realize how much I miss the ...