Tell the story of China, Voice to the world!🎙️ 讲好中国故事,传递中国声音|2024“未来外交官”赣州市级总展示在我校圆满落幕!👏👏👏#学生英语比赛#英语演讲比赛 - 👩🏫Hancy Huang✨于20240115发布在抖音,已经收获了11.2万个喜欢,
She had suffered from cancer, but the ordeal did not defeat her. Today, she still shines on the stage. Produced by China Media Group, the cultural program "Meet the Masters" brings you the story of Zheng Xiaoying. Take a look.RELATED STORIES Influencer brings neo-Chinese ...
🌐Tell The Story of China ,Voice To The World!--讲好中国故事,传递中国声音🌼安妮花年度精选--2025第八届“未来外交官”外文素养活动正式开启🤜精英比拼,让我们一起见证属于小选手的荣耀时刻 - 安妮花少儿英语(重庆大坪馆)于20241027发布在抖音,已经收获了62
Phillips shares Wuershan's wish of telling Chinese stories to the world. In his view, a blockbuster film with a good story can easily transcend boundaries of language and culture, like the Marvel films which are popular among audiences in many different countries. "There might be a 15-year-...
讲好中国故事,传递中国声音Tell the Story of China Voice to the World都江堰市嘉祥外国语学校小学部英语学科活动暨未来外交官演讲比赛在秋意渐浓的季节里,我校迎来了一场意义非凡的英语演讲盛宴——“Tell the Story of China, V...
Of late, the Chinese media have turned the spotlight on a woman named Li Ziqi, hailing her for doing an excellent job of "telling China's story to the world". Li seems to have become an unofficial cultural ambassador show...
If you want to tell the world a "Chinese story", what will you choose to talk about? Twelve high school students across China offered their own answers at the final English speech competition. China Daily held it in Hangzhou in order to build Chinese stronger confidence in its own culture....
If you want to tell the world a "Chinese story",what will you choose to talk about?Twelve high school students across China offered their own answers at the final English speech competition held by China Daily in April,2018,Hangzhou.The competition was held to show its support for China's...
The Hong Kong Palace Museum, a milestone cross-boundary culture collaboration and a must-see tourist-attraction-to-be for overseas visitors, is poised to play a greater role in spreading the charm of Chinese culture to all four corners of the globe.
Spread Chinese culture to the world 中国文化,源远流长。英语做桥梁,文化传世界。用英语讲好中国故事,用双语展示中国文化。英语是世界语言,学习英语可以让我们用世界都能听得懂的语言,讲述我们中国的故事,传播我们中国的文化,让世界认识...