Add to list Share /tɛl əˌpɑrt/ IPA guide Other forms: told apartDefinitions of tell apart verb detect with the senses synonyms: discern, distinguish, make out, pick out, recognise, recognize, spot see more verb mark as different synonyms: differentiate, distinguish, secern, ...
Define Wilhelm Tell. Wilhelm Tell synonyms, Wilhelm Tell pronunciation, Wilhelm Tell translation, English dictionary definition of Wilhelm Tell. n. a legendary Swiss patriot of c1300 forced by the Austrian governor to shoot an apple off his son's head wi
Definition of tell-all adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Disposed to tell or reveal secrets, whether officiously or heedlessly; given to betraying the confidences or revealing the private affairs of others; blabbing: as,telltalepeople. Showing, revealing, or denoting that which is not intended to be known, apparent, or proclaimed: as,telltaletears;te...
Tell is a word starting with t ending with l. Check our list ofwords starting with t ending with l. Dictionary definitions of the word tell The meaning of tell tell 9 definitions of the word tell. Verb Express in words Let something be known ...
Results in the list change as you enter more characters. For example, if you enter the word product and the results include items, it's because Search uses synonyms and alternate search terms to make it easier to find actions, pages, and reports....
Define Time Will Tell. Time Will Tell synonyms, Time Will Tell pronunciation, Time Will Tell translation, English dictionary definition of Time Will Tell. n. 1. a. A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from th
主要翻译 英语中文 telltale (UK), tattletale (US)ninformal(informant, gossip)SCSimplified Chinese告密者gào mì zhě SCSimplified Chinese泄密者gào mì zhě,xiè mì zhě The gang eventually found the telltale and killed him. Bobby is a tattletale who always reports his brother's wrongdoing to ...
What is another word fortell between? Needsynonyms for tell between? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts To recognize the difference or contrast of To be an identifying characteristic or mark of ...