Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series is a six part episodic game series set in the world of HBO's groundbreaking TV show. This new story tells of House Forrester, a noble family from the north of Westeros, loyal to the Starks of Winterfell.
Telltale’s legacy includes several award-winning and best-selling franchises including The Expanse: A Telltale Series, Batman: The Telltale Series, The Wolf Among Us, and more.
Telltale G..《权利的游戏》,《蝙蝠侠》游戏开发商Telltale Games 进行了大规模的裁员有近90名Telltale 的员工已离开工作岗位TelltaleGames 公司正在进行大规模的裁员。这家以授权情节
Software development kits (“SDKs”):Software development kits (also called SDKs) function like pixels and cookies but operate in the mobile app context where pixels and cookies cannot always function. Pieces of code (the SDK) are installed in the app that allow us and our partners to collec...
Telltale Games, and the respective rights holders, has not issued any information regarding its games being taken off Steam. We’ll be keeping an eye on other platforms and update this article with information as it comes in.
开发商 Telltale Games 宣布,原定于今年年内发售的《与狼同行2》(The Wolf Among Us 2)将会延期,现在计划于 2024 年登陆 PS5/4、Xbox 和 PC 平台。 Telltale Games 首席执行官 Jamie Ottilie 表示:“我们致力于为玩家提供他们应得的优秀续作,同时也要保护开发团队的健康。《与狼同行2》开发中经历了从虚幻...
IT之家5 月 27 日消息,Telltale Games 前成员打造的正宗星际迷航 IP 游戏《星际迷航:复苏(Star Trek:Resurgence)》现已在 Steam 平台正式推出,本作支持繁体中文,提供试玩 Demo,目前在国区售价 73.6 元,IT之家附商品页链接如下:点此访问 据介绍,《星际迷航:复苏》是一款叙事驱动的冒险游戏,玩家将扮演大副 Jara...
《无主之地》是Gearbox开发,2K Games发行的一款RPG风格的第一人称射击游戏,主线系列《无主之地1》于2009年10月26日发行,《无主之地2》于2012年9月21日发行,《无主之地3》于2019年9月13日正式发售。支线系列《无主之地传说》于2014年11月25日通过Steam登陆PC,《无主之地前传》于2014年10月14日发行。 其...
This game is awesome in it's narrative visual novel category, glad to see telltale games finally fallback to the 'tiny but impressive' IMO correct development cycle, I thought the studio is totally dead after that redundant long boring 'Minecraft story mode' disaster, who knows they could st...
Dead and Game of Thrones among other titles. The developer is going out of business entirely after laying off its staff and working through the shutdown process with creditors. Word is now surfacing that some Telltale games are being removed from Steam and are no longer available to purchase....