一、 过去式 (Simple Past Tense): told 过去式,顾名思义,就是描述过去发生的事情。 我们用它来讲述过去某个时间点发生的动作。 举几个栗子: I told him the truth yesterday. (我昨天告诉了他真相。) She told me a funny story. (她给我讲了一个有趣的故事。) He told a lie. (他说谎了。) 你...
These sentences clearly demonstrate the basic usage of told in simple past tense. 网络搜索结果大量印证了这种简单过去时的用法,其在英语表达中极其普遍。 过去进行时: This tense highlights an action in progress in the past when another action interrupted it. 例如: While I was cooking dinner, the ph...
Simple Past Tense: Rules, Uses & Practice from Chapter 4 / Lesson 9 89K Simple past tense is used to describe something that has ended. Explore the rules and uses for simple past tense, learn about regular and irregular verbs, and practice simple past tense. Related...
The past simple of say is said, the past simple of tell is told:… Sayandtellwith objectsBoth say and tell take a direct object. The object is most commonly the reported clause (the report of what someone said).… Tell+ indirect object +to-infinitiveWe use tell with an indirect object...
Rewrite the sentences below in the simple past tense.用一般过去时改写下列句子。然后用Then mark the regular verbs with (口) and the"□"标记规则动词,用"O"标记不规irregular verbs with (O).则动词。1. The food looks good. →The foodlookedgood.1.这种食物看上去很好。→这种食物看上去很好。2...
and it's your business to learn." / simple present, simple future, simple present, simple present, simple present Note: Simple past tense is usually used to describe past events or experiences; simple present tense is often used to describe facts and habits; simple future tense is used for...
They'realsobothirregularverbs, sointhepresenttensewehavesayandtell, butinthepasttensetheybecomesaidandtold.它们也是不规则动词,所以它们的现在时是 say 和 tell,但过去时变成了 said 和 told。That'sright.这就对了。Youcouldbeforgivenforthinkingthesewordsaresynonyms, butactuallytheyareslightlydifferentintheir...
And for past events, the past simple tense in the "if" clause does the trick. So, next time you need to ask for information in this way, think about the time frame and choose the appropriate tense for your "if" clause. 中文翻译: 当我们使用“Could you please tell me”时,我们常常会...
它们尝起来美味可口(4)delicious.参考答案(1)dishes(2)history(3)treasure(4)tasteRewrite the sentences below in the simple past tense.4用一般过去时改写下列句子。然后Then mark the regular verbs with)and the irregu-用“”标记规则动词,用“”标记lar verbs with ().不规则动词。1. The food looks ...