from movies to video games. The company was founded by Ray Dolby; but when he died in 2013, his widow Dagmar Dolby inherited about 36% of the brand. Since then, Dolby has donated nearly $200 million, giving to the University of Cambridge, the University...
When I showed up to photograph them, they watched me set up my blind before going about their business. I pretended to hide, they pretended not to see me. My first couple of trips to visit them, they didn’t do much playing. They spent a lot of time sunning near the barn and ...
Users can go from discovering a product in a post to purchasing it without leaving the platform. Social media is also inherently visual, making it an ideal space for showcasing your brand’s products andcreating personalized experiencesthrough preferences and behavior. How can your brand take advan...
When you're selling your product, do you simply go into the nuts-and-bolts of how it works, or do you tell a story? People ask me what I do at Emergenetics International, and I could easily say I own a human capital consulting firm that provides assessments for employee development, re...
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