you lazy fuck. 好 All right. 天呐 这里臭死了 Jesus, it stinks in here. 你能不能干 Are you up for this? 萨姆可不想用你 'Cause Sam didn't want to use you, 但我跟他说"别担心艾迪 but I told him, "Hey, don't worry about Eddie, 他现在戒酒了" 看你啊 he's sober now," And...
Tell Me Your 8, 2020 - Aug 30, 2020.Venue(s):Kavi Gupta (835 West Washington Boulevard).Curator(s):Perrée Rob.Artist(s):Benny Andrews,Lyle Ashton Harris,Hale Aspacio Woodruff,Radcliffe Bailey,Richmond Barthé,Romare Bearden,John Biggers,
-《黑色童话》前情提要-天啊 -PreviouslyonTellMeaStory...-JesusChrist!Aah! 告诉我第三只小猪是谁 Tellmethenameofthethirdpig. 天哪 Oh,God. 我今晚要带这个人一起出去 I'mgonnatakethisguyouttonight. 放下你的枪不然我会杀了她 Putyourgundown.I'llkillher. 我来帮你 Letmehelpyououtwiththat. 谢...
你得给屋顶涂上涂层就不漏了 Yougottocoattheroof,it'llstopthisshit. 好啊我会的 Allright,I'lldoit. 你得趁干的时候涂你个懒鬼 Yougottoputitonwhenit'sdry,youlazyfuck. 好 Allright. 天呐这里臭死了 Jesus,itstinksinhere. 你能不能干 Areyouupforthis? 萨姆可不想用你 'CauseSamdidn'twanttouse...
We declare in the name of Jesus that no weapon formed against God’s People shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). The word of God is so and it shall not be otherwise. In Jesus name! “Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gl...
Tell Me a Story of Jesus: Teaching as Storytelling and Four Recent Short Histories of Christianity Offering a review of four short introductory books on Christianity, this essay discusses how introductory textbooks, and introductory religion courses more generally, are like storytelling. Books by Lindbe...
Won't someone sing a simple song of jesus Love Tell me tell me the story of jesus Tell me tell me tell me once again about his love Tell me that old old story It's my only hope in glory Tell me the story of jesus Tell me that old old story It shall be my theme in glory Sin...
No, we're not discussing this any longer. I told you, "Sell", and when I tell you to do something, you do it. Jesus Chri... Do you realize that every moment that I spend arguing with you about this I'm losing fucking money. Not you, me, and I'm tired of losing money ...
That jesus christ is born Yeah Down the mountain Down down the mountain When I was a seeker I saw both night and day Night and day I asked the lord to help me Help me and he showed me the way Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain ...