'Tell a Joke Day'没有具体日期,它是一个非官方的节日或活动概念,指的是人们分享笑话、带来欢乐的一天。 Tell a Joke Day:欢笑与幽默的庆典 'Tell a Joke Day'的起源与意义 虽然“Tell a Joke Day”(讲笑话日)的具体日期在资料中并未明确提及,但这个节日的核心精神——分享...
2. 结合下文“They can be verbal like in the case of a whole story or in the form of a question and answer”(它们可以是口头的,就像是一个完整的故事,或者是一个问题和答案),及“Jokes can also be physical such as in the case of a practical joke”(笑话也可以是身体上的,比如恶作剧)可知,...
Why celebrate Tell a Joke Day?You can get relaxed.Jokes can make you laugh.But at the same time they can get you relaxed.When someone tells you funny jokes,your brain releases endorphins 4that makes you happy.You can lift up your mood.Imagine having a bad morning but then your spirits ...
☀️今天是8月16日(星期一),是 Tell a Joke Day和National Rum Day,分别是国家讲笑话日😆和国家朗姆酒日🥃。笑话由书面或口头的幽默故事组成,通常以笑点结尾。这一天会是和朋友们一边小酌享受着美味的朗姆酒一边聊天闲谈,可谓是酒香四溢、欢声笑语[愉快]。🆕这里是今日份「一分钟看天下」📰 1.由于...
quick facts or quote cards, acts or impressions, and many more. There are also one-liner jokes that can crack up smiles. There are also knock-knock jokes which are meant to be sang. The comedy is just spread around during the Tell a Joke Day. It will be very difficult to not partici...
Tell A Joke Day: With Ben Corment, Kieron Faming, Matt Lipps, Lewis Patrickicity. When Jake tells a joke that upsets Mum and Dad, he jumps into a world where everything is joke-related.
欢迎收听电子音频内容《英语全球趣闻 | 今年的“笑话日”你讲笑话了吗?Tell a Joke Day》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
YearWeekdayDateName 2025 星期六 8月16日 (六) Tell a Joke Day 2026 星期日 8月16日 (日) Tell a Joke Day 2027 星期一 8月16日 (一) Tell a Joke Day 2028 星期三 8月16日 (三) Tell a Joke Day 2029 星期四 8月16日 (四) Tell a Joke Day 2030 星期五 8月16日 (五) Tell a Joke...
Attention, punsters and punchline enthusiasts! August 16th is your golden ticket to unleash your inner comedian, because it's Tell a Joke Day! Today is the only day when laughter should be the only reaction and bad jokes and absurd humor fills the room.
On August 16, make everyone around you laugh by telling them a joke because it is Tell a Joke Day.1Yet we can all safely believe that the creator of this unofficial holiday was aiming to make the world a happier place by encouraging people to tell and listen to jokes. ...