I problemi di rete vengono inviati automaticamente dal Network Operations Center di Telia alla Now Platform e valutati in base alle soglie preimpostate e all'impatto sui clienti. Sfruttando la piattaforma orientata al servizio Configuration Management Database (CMDB), gli allarmi di rete vengono ...
Why solve a problem once when they can drag it out and make their customers cry. Sure we can buy a new phone, will Telia refund the time and cost if this does not work, and then presumably 5 more calls to get it fixed. The engineer inside me says it will not, it's not logical...
the problem with US is the daam frequency difference, whenever a good phone comes out they go agaisnt it just cause it didn't come out on their bolved 3G network useless people, spend all day taking useless pics and sit there on facebook with no real life, thats all they use their in...
Det är naturligtvis tråkigt när sådan händer men som tur är har vi ett bra samarbete med Telia vilket gör att vi tillsammans kan arbeta för att lösa problemet. Jag satt och läste igenom svenska Post- och telestyrelsens (PTS) rapport kring hur många datorer som ...