“From the start, EFF has opposed the need for this treaty. There’s already an existing international framework on cybercrime, and introducing another treaty is not just redundant—it’s dangerous,” Katitza Rodríguez, EFF Policy Director for Global Privacy, toldNextgov/FCW....
The question that comes up when an employer has employees working from home in another state is whether telecommuting across state borders alone creates tax nexus to a state to which they were not otherwise connected. If nexus is created for the employer with t...
The polling shows that a large majority of those working from home want to continue doing so, but companies remain lukewarm about teleworking--particularly with no state of emergency in place over the novel coronavirus and pre-emergency measures lifted. Company officials told opinion researchers that...
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Some states now temporarily allow affected individuals to receive state unemployment if they cannot work due to a school or daycare closure resulting from COVID-19. In states that have revised their qualifications, an individual will qualify for normal state unemployment insurance under his or her ...
(ii) analyzing the behavior of teleworking emphasizing the dimensions: technical support, workload, compliance with work and the state of the work environment, (iii) analyzing the health and well-being of workers in teleworking conditions during the pandemic from the dimensions: physical, emotional ...
The first dataset used in this study comes from different sources, as listed in Table 1. The data were organized so that each Brazilian state was the unit of analysis between May and November 2020. Table 1. Collected public data and its respective sources. Regarding daily percentage difference...
necessary until then to carry out their work. Telework can be defined as work achieved with the help of Information and Communications Technology (smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers) and conducted outside the employer’s locations [2]. This new state has had a profound impact...