front Malibu house. The series' premise was revamped in the ninth season, focusing on Alan moving on with his life after the death of Charlie with help from his new best friend and roommate, Walden Schmidt (Ashton Kutcher), who is also dealing with his own troubles following a bad divorce...
Debuting on January 14, 1952, it was the first of its genre, spawning similar morning news and entertainment television programs across the United States and around the world. The show is also the third-longest running American television series. Originally a two-hour program on weekdays, it ...
Be sure to deal with your subplots and tie up loose ends. Finally, is the resolution or pay-off. Depending on the series, there can be up to three storylines running concurrently. The A story is the main plot, while the B story is the major subplot. The C story is called a runner...
“The Cage” stands somewhere between the divergent tones of the original series and its eventual successor Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-93), but also exists in its own peculiar pocket, a place of surreal delights. The re-emergence of the pilot even did much to set the scene for...
"Dual Redundancy: A Television Podcast" DR91: The 2015 Oscars, SNL 40 and the Series Finales of Parks and Recreation & Two and a Half Men (Podcast Episode 2015) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
This is the first part of a series on how pharmacy professionals have been depicted on TV, both in a positive and negative manner.
Powerpuff Girls, American animated television series starring a trio of preschool-age girls who possess superpowers. The Powerpuff Girls, defenders of the fictional metropolis Townville, consist of the red-haired, level-headed leader, Blossom; the sweet,
As an award-winning actress, Pauline has a body of work that spans almost two decades. Some of her most recognizable roles were playing Dr. Erika Myers on popular SyFy series,Sanctuary, guest starring roles onSupernatural,Blue Mountain StateandFamily Law, and lead and supporting roles in featur...
Trying to stay positive on Reel Charlie during these politically hideous, uncertain times here in the USA. I did watch a film and a television series I wasn’t thrilled with, so I decided to combine them into one post. Sort of rip the band aid and move on to more fun. ...
These series often showcase promising premises or memorable moments; however, they fail to deliver on their potential or simply lose steam over time. By dissecting the fabric of these shows' composition, we gain insight into the factors that contribute to a program becoming one of the most ...