Implemented on:1992-5-1Delivery:via email in 1~3 business day Standard No.:GB/T 13170.4-1991 English Name:Test charts of reflection for television. High-frequency test chart Chinese Name:反射式电视测试图 高频特性测试图 Chinese Classification:L38 Electron beam tube ...
Docudramas also include captions (and, with less frequency, narrators) at the beginning and throughout the telling of a story. These serve to place the story in dramatic or historical context, identifying time and place, establishing something about characters, or filling in what may have happen...
The solution to the capacity problem emerged in the 1960s, based on the concepts of cells and frequency reuse. The idea was to take advantage of the fact that a radio signal attenuates very rapidly: take the limited transmitter power, divide the city into “cells,” and reuse the same ...
Off Air, FM, and CATV Channel frequency chart. Frequency vs. Channel Assignment and more! Jerrold Return Path Information Download. PDF document on designing and maintaining the return path (Zipped). Simple XL Spread-Sheet on CATV Design. ...
VHF channel 甚高频频道 相似单词 vhf abbr. Very High Frequency 甚高频 n. 甚高频 VHF abbr. Very High Frequency 甚高频 n. 甚高频 television n. 1.[C]电视机 2.[U]电视节目 3.[U]电视系统;电视学 strip v.[T] 1. 剥,剥去,剥光(+of/off/from) 2. 夺去,剥夺;掠夺(+of) 3. 拆卸,...
The study examined three major television networks: PBS, Nickelodeon, and The Disney Channel. The researcher collected 90 hours of data, recording equal numbers of data for educational and informal programs. The data was coded and recorded using a chart designed for this study that included the ...
in the television set from among apparatuses in the television system in selecting a tuner, the channels covered by the television set is given priority. This makes it possible to minimize deviation during channel setting (deviation of the frequency from the position at which a channel is set)....
and a signal-carrying line attachable to a television receiver. The signal generating circuit generates an electrical signal of a frequency substantial equal to the carrier frequency of a television broadcast channel carrying material considered objectionable by the user. The output of the signal generat...
(including channel duplication chart250A, reach chart260A, GRP chart270A, and spot-impressions chart280A) for graphically displaying a plurality of KPIs. Further, as shown in diagram200A, the GUI displays a statistics table240A summarizing the KPIs for the TV viewership data filtered according ...
FIG. 14 is a flow chart of the steps for controlling the recording of a broadcast. In step390the VCR is in the process of recording a broadcast. The television10or controller60knows the mode of the VCR because they command through the infrared detector32the VCR to play, record and the ...