SHANGHAI, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- Two radio telescopes with 40-meter-diameter antennas, one located in northeast and the other in southwest China, were put into use on Friday. These telescopes will aid in exploring deep space and unravelling cosmic mysteries. The two telescopes were built by th...
radiotelescope(n.)atelescopethatcollectsradiowaves fromspace(p.5) Index Galilei,Galileo,7–9telescopes,WrittenbyDavidDreierandBrianRoberts Jansky,Karl,21Hooker,14 Lippershey,Hans,6,7,9Hubble,18,19,22 Newton,Isaac,9LargeBinocular,16 MilkyWayGalaxy,7,14,21Leviathan,13 ...
The longer wavelengths means that the radio waves have lower energy than optical light waves. In order to collect enough radio photons to detect a signal, the radio dishes must be very large. Both optical and radio telescope reflectors use a parabolic shape to perfectly focus the light to a...
To detect these waves, astronomers use several kinds of large ground - basedtelescopes. 为了探测这些波, 天文学家们使用了各种类型的地面大型望远镜. 辞典例句 In largetelescopesthis scheme has many advantages, both theoretical and practical. 在大型望远镜中,这种构型的理论上和实用上都有许多优点. ...
Related to Radio telescopes:Hubble Telescope radio telescope n. A device used in radio astronomy for detecting and recording radio waves coming from stars and other celestial objects, usually consisting of a radio receiver with an antenna fixed on a wide bowl-shaped reflector that collects the wave...
Radio telescopes collect and focus radio waves from distant objects. Space telescopes orbit Earth, collecting wavelengths of light that are normally blocked by the atmosphere. Galileo was the first person known to use a telescope to study the sky. His discoveries helped change the way humans think...
Using sensors that analyse the shape of light waves from either natural or artificial guide stars--the latter produced by focusing a set of lasers into the earth's atmosphere--and sophisticated deformable computer-controlled mirrors, terrestrial telescopes can correct for the distortion caused by the...
Imagine that you are the head of a funding agency that can afford to build only one telescope. Which of the four proposed telescopes below would be best to support?A) A Radio telescope in orbit above the Earth.B) An x-ray telescope located on a mountain in Peru. C) An infrared telesc...
Compound telescopes - use a combination of lenses and mirrors to produce images Radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray telescopes - detect electromagnetic radiation that falls outside the visible light spectrum such as radio waves, X-rays, and gamma-rays ...
(channel). In astronomy, however, it is more common to use sophisticated data-processing techniques that allow thousands of separate frequency bands to be detected simultaneously. Thus, the astronomical radio receiver operates much like a spectrometer on a visible-light or infrared telescope, ...