Psychic Teleportation: Teleport via psychic powers. Empathic Teleportation: Teleport via emotions. Telekinetic Teleportation: Teleport via the use of telekinesis. Quantum Teleportation: Teleport by disassembling at a subatomic level and slipping into the quantum field, then reassembling at a different spat...
TheTeleportationpower poolis available to all archetypes exceptWarshadesandPeacebringers, and grants various travel abilities and teleportation combat abilities. To see the Warshades' Shadow Step and Shadow Recall, please seeInherent Powers. Players are able to pickRecall Friend,Teleport Foe, andTelepo...
The CIA and the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), overseeing Andrija Puharich, allegedly worked with Geller, Price, and Swann to develop psychic powers for the military. The 1977 arrest in Moscow of Los Angeles Times reporter Robert Toth by the KGB, for taking a paper on tele...
There is no rigid definition of a "superpower." In popular culture, it may be used to describe minimal exaggeration of normal human traits, though it is often associated with supernatural abilities such asflight, super strength, energy projection and manipulation, force fields, invulnerability, tele...
Dionysus was once captured by Etruscan pirates who mistook him for a wealthy prince they could ransom. After the ship set sail Dionysus invoked his divine powers, causing vines to overgrow the ship where the mast and sails had been. He turned the oars into serpents, so terrifying the sailors...