line loss increases with line length and attenuation increases with increasing frequency and decreases as wire diameter increases. If the telephone loop is too long, then transmission of DSL signals at high data rates from the CO to the subscriber's termination location and vice-versa may not be...
Dimensions: Nominal Diameter: 1.024 mm (18AWG) Specific Section: 0.824 mm squre Min. Diameter : 1.014 mm Max. Diameter: 1.034 mm 2. Conductor traction resistance: Minimum 45.8 kg/mm squre Minimum elongat...
Unibit or Step-Bit: A metal-cutting drill bit with stepped-diameter cutting edges to enable convenient drilling holes in preset increments in stamped/rolled metal up to about 1.6mm (1/16 inch) thick. Commonly used to create custom knock-outs in a breaker panel or junction box. Cord, Rope...