If you wanted to call that number from outside the local area, it need ’01’ prefix for London. By extension, if you wanted to call from outside UK, ‘001’ prefix. London now has more complex prefixes: ‘0171’ -> ‘0207’ inner, ‘0181’ -> ‘0208’ outer. There was a ...
If you wanted to call that number from outside the local area, it need ’01’ prefix for London. By extension, if you wanted to call from outside UK, ‘001’ prefix. London now has more complex prefixes: ‘0171’ -> ‘0207’ inner, ‘0181’ -> ‘0208’ outer. There was a ...
If you wanted to call that number from outside the local area, it need ’01’ prefix for London. By extension, if you wanted to call from outside UK, ‘001’ prefix. London now has more complex prefixes: ‘0171’ -> ‘0207’ inner, ‘0181’ -> ‘0208’ outer. There was a ...