The area codes listed below may change. Each state may have more than one telephone area code. Some area codes may be confined within only parts of a city within a state.For alisting of US area codes by number in the numerical orderCLICK HERE 205 Alabama - Birmingham/Central Alabama 251 ...
country code + mobile operator code + phone number On our site we have collected def-codes of all major mobile operators in the world. There is also information about the telephone codes of all countries of the world. Using our "World codes of mobile operators" directory, you can easily id...
You need to know how to call a country, you will find here all the information about area codes, country codes, and ISO country codes. telephone country codes, Country Calling Codes and Phone Area Codes. You will find yellow pages and Inverted directory
phone book,phonebook,telephone directory directory- an alphabetical list of names and addresses white pages- a telephone directory or section of a directory (usually printed on white paper) where the names of people are listed alphabetically along with their telephone numbers ...
50、rea code 区域号码区域号码cablecable 打国际电报打国际电报 connect connect 接电话接电话fax machinefax machine 传真机传真机telephone directorytelephone directory 电话簿电话簿 facsimile facsimile 传真传真outside lineoutside line 外线外线telegraphtelegraph 电报电报 extension extension 内线内线 分机分机telegram...
The chapter presents information on telephone directories in New York City. Hello, New York directory listings are the links to the Yellow Pages for New York City, including searching by zip code and area code. provides searching in both the Yellow and White Pages for New York, ...
StudyPlan 学习计划 Dialogues对话KeysinMakingCalls通话秘笈 Glossary词汇 WarmingUp热身 WarmingUp Makingphonecallscanbedifficult.Why?Youcannotseethepersonyou’retalkingto,soyoucannotseehisbodylanguageand“read”hisface.与人通话可能会很难,为什么呢?因为你见不到与你对话的人,无法感知他的肢体语言或解读他的...
Telephone大学英语之电话 Telephone The First Class Objectives:In this unit, you will learn different expressions to:1. make a phone call 2. leave and take a message Section One Lead-in Questions for discussion 1. Do you use the telephone very often?2. What do you say first when you are ...
This type of line is not dedicated to the alarm signal and can also be used as an outgoing telephone line, although it must of necessity be ex-directory. With this format the dialling equipment is connected to the existing ex-directory ‘call-out only’ line, which if it is to give eve...
-MAKING TELEPHONE CALLS- area code 区域号码 cable 打国际电报 connect 接电话 fax machine 传真机 telephone directory 电话簿 facsimile 传真 outside line 外线 telegraph 电报 extension 内线\分机 telegram 电报\电信文 telex 电传\打字机 on the line 在听电话 put you through 帮你接 a station to station...