is a database of various important country codes of all countries in the world.Find more information about country codes, phone codes, and ISO country codes so easy!
You need to know how to call a country, you will find here all the information about area codes, country codes, and ISO country codes. telephone country codes, Country Calling Codes and Phone Area Codes. You will find yellow pages and Inverted directory
Another International Country Code Listing, this one has city codes for most important cities, too. This country code listing has the IDD prefixes (international dialing prefixes, like 011, 00), and links to city codes. Even Sprint has a simple country code listing, but no city codes ...
Find ISD Codes or International Dialing Codes of all the Countries using our ISD code Search Engine/Finder. Also Get the Country Telephone codes of different countries.
This is a compact one-table database containing profile data (list) of 228 countries / sovereign states / regions around the world. In this list of world countries, each country record consists of the ISO country codes (both 2 digits and 3 digits vers
Country dialing codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching phone numbers in the networks of the other countries or regions. The codes enable international direct dialing.
The connection build-up is controlled by subscriber markers, connection markers, a central marker and a dialing signal converter. The register functions are controlled by a microprogram control in a central register section, with an only reading store for the control program, a free access store ...
In today's globalized world, seamless communication is crucial, and telephone area codes, commonly known as STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) codes, play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient connectivity across different regions. In India, STD codes are integral to the national numbering plan, facilita...
You can define rulesets that find numbers for assignment by comparing the postal code on an incoming service request with postal codes associated with inventory groups. For example, if a service request comes from the UK postal code E19 C4U, a ruleset can find the appropriate inventory group ...
electronic device for the automatic dialing of telephone diprefisso codes.SPAGGIARI ALESSANDRO