World country codes, city phones and mobile operator’s telephone codes - if you need to call to another country and you do not know what country code, city code or mobile operator code you need, than our site will help you! Here you will find world coun
Another International Country Code Listing, this one has city codes for most important cities, too. This country code listing has the IDD prefixes (international dialing prefixes, like 011, 00), and links to city codes. Even Sprint has a simple country code listing, but no city codes ...
Find ISD Codes or International Dialing Codes of all the Countries using our ISD code Search Engine/Finder. Also Get the Country Telephone codes of different countries.
Country dialing codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching phone numbers in the networks of the other countries or regions. The codes enable international direct dialing.
(plus 506 already planning an overlay inApril 2023) because of the existence of 988 as a prefix in those area codes. However, they also inexplicably ordered10-digitdialing in area code 807, sparsely populatednorthwestern Ontario, despite the fact that there isnotan807-988prefix. Read more ...
The international dialing code, such as47for Norway and1for the US. You can use these specifications as-is or modify them as necessary. You can also design specifications and rulesets in Design Studio for other geographies. You can also design specifications for special-purpose numbers, such as...
but are the responsibility of their respective authors. The Telecom Digest Archives country codes with area codes. As used in international calling. The International Dialing Resource Center. Has general information on international dialing. The World Wide Phone Guide. And the ITU Legal Time list. ...
Country Code: +86 International Call Prefix: 00 Trunk Prefix: 0 The Chinese Telephone Code Plan is the way to group telephone numbers of Mainland China. Land lines and mobile phones follow different systems: land lines use area codes, while…
GOODTEL P1 is a USB telephone recording box. beside this,a telephone circuit is integrated in T1,you can use T1 as a computer dialing system or a message center. Must I have a sound card to use GOODTEL P1 or T1? No,a sound card hardware is already integrated in the product. Contact...
00 SINGAPORE*0.05065 001,008 SOUTHAFRICA*0.09027 00 SOUTHKOREA*0.07082 001,002 SPAIN*0.05034 00 SWEDEN*0.05046 00 SWITZERLAND*0.06041 00 THAILAND*0.07066 001 UNITEDKINGDOM*0.05044 00 URUGUAY*0.110598 00 Countrycodesareusedwhendialinganinternationalphonenumber. Ontheotherhand,exitcodes(alsoknownasinternation...