is a database of various important country codes of all countries in the world.Find more information about country codes, phone codes, and ISO country codes so easy!
USA to Canada 1 222 123 4567 Canada, Bermuda, Virgin Islands etc. have the same country code as the USA and are dialed like interstate phone calls with no international prefix. Germany to USA 00 1 212 123 4567 212 is the city code for New York. US city codes are always 3 digits. ...
World country codes, city phones and mobile operator’s telephone codes - if you need to call to another country and you do not know what country code, city code or mobile operator code you need, than our site will help you! Here you will find world coun
Country codes are a vital part of the international telephone numbering plan and are required when dialing a telephone number from one country to another. Below is a list of telephone country codes which should be used throughout our ordering system. Please refer to the codes below to ensure ...
Country dialing codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching phone numbers in the networks of the other countries or regions. The codes enable international direct dialing.
By state:Tables ofCities and area codes, up to date and accurate,now with time zones! (Listed by state / province / country / territory),updated2024-11-03. The listings are now divided as follows.US States:AK-CT,DC-LA,MA-OR,PA-WY;🇨🇦Canada(English/français);Other NANP loc...
These codes provide a way to extend toll-free calling beyond the borders of the country in which the party paying for the calls resides. These codes have been used primarily to allow Caribbean callers to reach toll free numbers in the US. With this arrangement, the caller pays for the int...
Country Code: +86 International Call Prefix: 00 Trunk Prefix: 0 The Chinese Telephone Code Plan is the way to group telephone numbers of Mainland China. Land lines and mobile phones follow different systems: land lines use area codes, while…
Country codes are one- to three-digit prefixes that are assigned to specific countries or groups of countries. For example, the country code for the United States is 1, but the United States shares that country code with Canada and several smaller island nations like Jamaica, Puerto Rico and...
ISD Codes or International Standard Dialling Codes –Do you want information regarding an ISD code and the country it belongs to? NativePlanet helps you with just that! You can find out the ISD code of a country or find a country using its ISD code easily. Note : Every country has its...