is a database of various important country codes of all countries in the world.Find more information about country codes, phone codes, and ISO country codes so easy!
International telephone codes are allocated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a UN agency also based in Geneva. 总部同在日内瓦的联合国机构国际电信同盟负责分配国际电话区号。 2. TeleCodes provides you with telephone codes for different countries. 万能电话簿可以提供你不...
discount international phone rates to foreign countries for US residents. Also US long distance. if you seek cheap international phone rates and live in Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, South America, anywhere outside the USA and The following country codes courtesy of
Telephone and Telefax National CodesTelephone and telefax codes for countries and territories round the world are provided in the following pages. They should be preceded by the international access number of the country or territory from which the call is placed (00, 011, and so on)....
Methods ofrelief(realignment,split,3-way split,overlay) for area codes that are filling up,2024-11-03 Future expansionof North American numbering,updated2001-07-01; epilogue2021-02-21 Myoriginal proposalfor future expansion “Why not just go to8-digitlocal numbersnow?”(a frequently asked quest...
formscountriesformcountry-codestelephone UpdatedMar 13, 2018 JavaScript Open source desk telephone implemented in Python and pjsua pythonsipphonetelephonyorangepiorangepi-zerotelephonecx300 UpdatedDec 22, 2019 Python Integration to Magento 2 a jQuery plugin for entering and validating international telephone...
This is a compact one-table database containing profile data (list) of 228 countries / sovereign states / regions around the world. In this list of world countries, each country record consists of the ISO country codes (both 2 digits and 3 digits vers
TheNorth American Numbering Plan(NANP), used for telephone numbers in countries such as United States, Canada, and Jamaica, is a closed numbering plan. All countries in the NANP have a country code of 1. The subscriber number is 10 digits, with the first three digits being an area code ...
Caribbean callers to reach toll free numbers in the US. With this arrangement, the caller pays for the international segment of the call (to the US gateway), and the called party pays for the remainder. In theory, this concept can be implemented between any of the countries sharing the ...
Belowarecodesforsomecountriesandcities.NumbersbesidecountriesareCountryCodes, numbersbesidecitiesareCityCodes. Country Country CodeCityCode Afghanistan93 Albania355Durres52,Elbassan545,Korce824,Shkoder224. Algeria213Adrar7,AinDefla3,Bejaia5,Guerrar9. ...