Area Code, Dialling Code and Telephone Number Search Search for a phone number, phone code, or place: The UK Telephone Code Locator takes telephone numbers, std codes, area codes, access/short codes, exchange names or the name of a location. Details returned may include: information about ...
By area code:Area Code Locatorguide —Now with Time Zones!— area codes listednumericallywith major cities,updated2024-11-03 En español:Localizador de Códigos de Área,con husos horarios,actualizado2024-11-03;(indicativos regionales, claves LADA de EE.UU. y de Canadá) ...
This is your complete guide to call anywhere in the world. Simply find and click the country name you wish to call. You'll find instructions on how to call that country using its country code, as well as other helpful information like area codes, ISO country codes and so on....
This website provides information about country code, area code, details of numbering plan and tips for how-to-dial.
Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of France. Postal code of France. France International Dailing Code. Also 33, 0033, 00 33, 00-33, 33-, 0033, 033, 00033, 011-33 etc. Communication of 29.III.2010:. The Autorité de Régulation des Communi...
STD or Area Code: Exact matchSimilar match |Mobile Number Locator- Trace the location of any Mobile Number in India. |Sync Outlook Contacts with Gmail(Free) Extract email from Gmail-Online Gmail Email address Extractor SevalEmail Extractor- Extract emails from any document. Extract from websites...
but are the responsibility of their respective authors. The Telecom Digest Archives country codes with area codes. As used in international calling. The International Dialing Resource Center. Has general information on international dialing. The World Wide Phone Guide. And the ITU Legal Time list. ...
RFC 2806 URLs for Telephone Calls April 2000 Finally, when phone numbers are written in the international form as specified here, they are unambiguous and can always be converted to the local dialing convention, given that the user agent has the knowledge of the local country and area codes. ...
925594Fault-locator for electric cables,Walter Otis Pennell,Henry Louis Hoffmann, 1909-06-22, - dual deferentially wound exploring coil 1170017Fault-locator for electric cables,Hugh Montgomery Stoller,Western Electric, 1916-02-01, - cradle formed of transformer laminations drives dual coil ...
or a trigger mechanism, configured to identify incoming calls to be routed to the POTS280(e.g., all calls where there is no “1+” dialing, or predefined area codes, DNIS and the like). Of course, by utilizing such architecture, all calls not routed to POTS280are routed to IP platfor...